Thursday, February 16, 2017

Relationships, Grow U, Mission Meals

Faith Connection                                         Connecting people with God, Others and Service

In our current series “Relationships” we are examining the teaching of Jesus on this important subject.  Last week we looked at the importance of relationships.  Jesus summed up life into two basic relationships, our relationship with God and our relationship with each other.  If you did an inventory of your life you would discover that most of your problems stem from a breakdown in one of these two relationships.
36  "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" 37  And He said to him, " 'YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.' 38  "This is the great and foremost commandment. 39  "The second is like it, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' 40  "On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets."                      Matthew 22:36-40 (NASB)

(If you missed the first sermon you can view it at Truthcasting )

This week we are looking at “The New Commandment” Jesus is expanding His teaching on relationships and He takes a closer look at how we relate to each other in the body of Christ.
34  "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35  "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."  John 13:34-35

We will be looking at the following questions:
Why is this a new commandment?
Who was Jesus speaking to and what was the setting?
How can I possibly love other Christians the way Jesus did, is it even possible?
Does any of this flow over into my other relationships?
Join us this Sunday morning at 9 AM or 10:30 AM in our Worship Center.
GROW U  SUNDAY NIGHT! (week 2 of 6)
SUNDAY NIGHTS FEB. 19th  - MAR. 19TH @ 6 pm
It’s still not too late to be a part of one of these classes.

 The Life We Long to Live
Video/Tom Nelson
Pastor Jeff Riley’s home
340 E. Dolly Ann Drive

Raw Faith
Video/Kasey VanNorman
Led by Kathy Carson – Room 8
Workbook cost $15.00

 Miles for Missions Readiness Group   (Exercising Spiritual & Physical)                       Led by Jeremy & Erin Bartley -  Impact Student Ministry Portable Classroom

 Image result for tony evans James vol 2

 Led by Bro. Billy in Room 6 (Vol. 2)

 Children’s Class
Billy & Devon Nicely  Grades  K-5th                                             
Room 4

Deacon on Deck in February: Tim Bradley and his wife Karen will be serving our church family throughout the month.  If Tim can be of any help please call him at 968-3108  
  • The Ignite Men’s Weekend at Liberty University                  March 17-18th .  Please call Dale Montgomery (423-413-1325) or Pastor Jeff Riley (968-2523) for more information.
  •  Piece Makers Quilters Group with Sis. Sue Livick
    Tuesday, February 21st at 6:30 pm
  •  “Loads of Love” laundromat ministry Saturday, Feb 25th.  Meet at FBC at 9:30 a.m.  Praise the Lord! for the $200 donation of quarters this past week.
  • We now have hearing assist devices available for all of our services, please see Doug in the sound-room to pick up yours before each service. If you have difficulty hearing the service these devices will allow you to listen on your own individual head set.
  • Ladies Prayer Time Every Sunday at 8:45 a.m.
    In the Bawl Room (located across the hall from our nursery)
  • Men's Prayer Time Every Sunday 8:45 AM pastor's office
  • Wednesday night meals resume March 8 sign up at the Welcome Center
  • Welcome New Members . . .

The Walters Family (Nadene, Steve and Michelle)

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Richtie Bennett                                                               Virgil Lewis
Follow your church family on Facebook.  Learn of what is going on in the church family.  Just click on above image to go to our Facebook page
(Click on the above image to go to Faith Baptist Missionary Families Facebook page for the latest concerning our missionaries.)
Missionary of the week
  • Missions Lunch (entire church invited)
    Immediately following the morning service
    All donations will be given to benefit
    Caleb Vance (Mission Fund)
  •                                     3rd annual Miles for Missions to be held on Saturday, March 25th.  This year’s proceeds will be split between Caleb Vance (help on mission fund to Nigerian Muslims in France) and Jamey & Lesley Smith (had some unexpected expenses come up).
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  • Son Chau and his family, Missionaries to Singapore were our special guests Wednesday Night
The church web site is loaded with all kinds of info about our church and many photos of recent events.  Why not check it out, just click on the above image to go to our church site.  Thanks to Albert Harris for his work on our site.
PRIME TIME IS A NEW MINISTRY HERE AT FAITH FOR  THOSE WHO ARE IN THE PRIME OF LIFE (50+)    If you would like more information please contact Bill White (540-460-0903)

Tuesday, Feb. 20th – 50 plus Trip
(sign up at Welcome Table)
Tuesday, Feb. 28th – PRIME TIME “Share Time”
 & Assignments/Reports

Piece Makers Quilters Group with Sis. Sue Livick
Tuesday, February 21st at 6:30 pm
Click on above image to go to sermon site for our church.

"The essence of sin is we human beings substituting ourselves for God, while the essence of salvation is God substituting Himself for us. We...put ourselves where only God deserves to be; God...puts Himself where we deserve to be." John Stott
Teens meeting in the modular building for Impact Student Ministries.  Jeff Riley speaking each week to our teens, live praise and worship led by Levi Seay and Jeff has some special surprises up his sleeve.  Please encourage the teens in your life to be a part of this dynamic ministry and pray that God will use this new ministry to  "impact" teens in Alleghany County.

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Summer Camp is coming see Jeff for details!
My name is Billy Price and I have been the pastor of Faith Baptist Church for 41 years.  I graduated from Lynchburg Baptist College in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1975.  It is now known as Liberty University.  Upon graduation our little family of three moved to Covington Virginia to begin a new church.  Elaine, my wife; Robbie, my son and myself  started our grand adventure.  I was soon blessed with a daughter, Robin.  People often ask me did I know when I started I would be here 41 years later, I can honestly say no and God hasn't given me a reason leave.  I have enjoyed my ministry in the mountains of Virginia, if it is His will I hope to finish my race here, but that's up to Him.