Thursday, September 20, 2012

Grow U is coming

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This Sunday  At Faith . . . (AM) 


16 "As for the word that you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD, we will not listen to you! 17 "But we will certainly do whatever has gone out of our own mouth, to burn incense to the queen of heaven and pour out drink offerings to her, as we have done, we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. For then we had plenty of food, were well-off, and saw no trouble.Jeremiah 44:16-17 (NKJV) 
We are looking at the above passage this Sunday.  I plan to draw out of these verses two questions.

1.  Will circumstances determine my faith?

2.  Will my faith conquer my circumstances?

Have you had something go terribly wrong in your life recently?  How did it impact your faith?  Is your faith based on what happens to you or is it based on your confidence and trust in Almighty God?  The prophet Jeremiah dealt with a group of people who willing to worship whichever god could deliver.  So in essence their circumstances determined their faith.  Join us this Sunday for "Beyond Circumstances"

  Sunday night 

Chris will be bringing a message from Galatians, here is his text:

Now I say that as long as the heir is a child, he differs in no way from a slave, though he is the owner of everything. Instead, he is under guardians and stewards until the time set by his father. In the same way we also, when we were children, were in slavery under the elemental forces of the world. But when the completion of the time came, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “ Abba, Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God.  Galatians 4:1-7 (HCSB)
Grow U” is a collection of different small group options we are offering at FBC each Sunday night in November.  Sign up at the welcome center and the group size is limited.  A chidren's class will be provided during the month of November. Small groups offered will be:

”The Elephant Room”- A study from “The Truth About Same Sex Marriage” written by: Dr. Erwin Lutzer (President of Moody Bible Institute). This group will be led by Chris Chesley

“The Almighty and the Dollar” –A discussion on finances from a biblical position. This group is led by Ron Seabolt and Harry Newman and will be using resources from Dave Ramsey

“All About Attitudes” is a small group for women led by Elaine Price, dealing with the important topic of a Christ honoring attitude in every area of our lives. This study will be based around the book and accompanying video series called, “Lord Change My Attitude, Before It’s Too Late” by Pastor James MacDonald. 

"The Witnessing Woman"This small group will be led by Shirley Wolfe. In this small group, women will be encouraged to get excited about personal evangelism, and will discuss practical ways of actually leading another person to salvation through Christ.

“Take The Plunge!”
This small group will be meeting in the home of Connie Baker.  They will be using a dynamic video series by Louie Giglio  In this series, Louie provides the biblical challenge for  all Christians to come out of a spiritual stagnation and to dive into a real, lasting spiritual maturity in Christ. Space is limited to the first 10 to signup. NO CHILD CARE PROVIDED. 7pm to 8:30pm each Sunday evening. The Bakers live at 113 Hallies Road  in Covington.                                                   Call Connie at 965-7177 for details and directions.

  Staff Candidate

Jeff Riley who is a candidate for the Christian Ed/ Associate Pastor here at Faith will be visiting our church on Sunday October 7.  He will be preaching in both of the morning services and attending the Sunday night service.  Jeff has been on staff at the Clifton Forge Baptist Church, he is married with two children and has lived in our area for 7 years.  Please mark your calendar and plan to be here on the 7th to meet Jeff.
In my world. . . 
  • Please pray for Danny Warlitner in the loss of his brother, Stephanie Williamson in the loss of her father, Wanda Dameron in the loss of her brother-in-law
  • Take a look at the childrens building a boat ran ashore :)
  • We need help, we are looking for a missions director to help keep up contact with our missionaries, to make our church more missions conscious and to keep all our missionary info current
  • Deacon on Deck for August: Mike Wade (968-0952)
  • Baptism this Sunday please contact the church office if interested (962-6335)
  • Missionary  of the week:Ralph and Louise Green Word of Life representive to youth
  • Pray for Bro. Chris as he is making preparation for the new church plant he is leading
  • Please pray for the birth of new Sunday School classes to be started in the first hour we have two empty rooms.
  • Mark your calendars our Fall Outreach is Sunday night October 28 our theme this year is FALL FUN at FBC (5:30-7:30)  Pray that many people in our community will visit our church campus for the first time as we reach out to the community in the love of Christ

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 You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.


Chris Tucker is taking care of the church lawn this month, thanks Chris for making the house of God look so nice.

The Horizon Youth started their new year this past Sunday night, please pray for Steve and Kathleen our teen leaders.  Encourage your teens to be a part of this great ministry, it could be a life changer.
(Note the new green room, the orange is now history :) )


 Hope to see you Sunday

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Staff Candidate to visit Faith

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This Sunday  At Faith . . . (AM) 

This Sunday is National Back To Church Sunday.  We are part of a national effort to encourage people to return to church.  Maybe you have found it hard to attend church over the summer months, this would be a great Sunday to head back home to church.  I will be speaking this Sunday on


24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)   Out of these two verses I want to draw four points about what church attendance can mean to me.  Hope you can find your way back to church this Sunday.

  Sunday night 
Sunday Night is going to be an unusual service.  Chris and I are going to have a platform discussion about the question:

For many years it was assumed that 40% of the American people were in church on any given Sunday.  New research points to a percent that is much lower even as low as 17.5 %.   Thousands of churches close every year and thousands of pastors resign, is the church on the way out?  We would like to have a very casual discussion from our platform Sunday night hope you can join us.
Last Sunday was our 37th Anniversary celebration as a church family.  We had a great day in the services and up at Grace Bible Camp.  The highlight of the day was the "Cardboard Testimonies" as you can see above.  We thank God for everyone who participated and made it such a special day. ( More photos below)

  Staff Candidate

Jeff Riley who is a candidate for the Christian Ed/ Associate Pastor here at Faith will be visiting our church on Sunday October 7.  He will be preaching in both of the morning services and attending the Sunday night service.  Jeff has been on staff at the Clifton Forge Baptist Church, he is married with two children and has lived in our area for 7 years.  Please mark your calendar and plan to be here on the 7th to meet Jeff.
In my world. . . 
  • We are going to have a very special November, each Sunday night in November we are offering a series of small groups for you to participate in either here at the church or in homes. Watch for further details and if you would like to be a part of this special effort see Chris.
  • Please pray for Sonny Persinger whose sister passed away this week and also for the Bogus family as they lost their brother this week
  • We need help in the audio visual ministry, if you enjoy working with sound equipment or computers please see Larry Woodward
  • Deacon on Deck for August: Mike Wade (968-0952)
  • Chris' class began a new study Wednesday, Forgotten God by Franci Chan, they meet in the fellowship room each Wednesday at 7 PM
  • Missionary  of the week:Alan and Elena Stuphen (medical missionaries to Uganda)
  • Pray for Bro. Chris as he is making preparation for the new church plant he is leading
  • Please pray for leadership wisdom for the leaders of Faith many of our Sunday School classes are packed and we don't know where to put them, good problem but we need God's help, pray
  • Mark your calendars our Fall Outreach is Sunday night October 28 our theme this year is FALL FUN at FBC (5:30-7:30)  Pray that many people in our community will visit our church campus for the first time as we reach out to the community in the love of Christ

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 You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.


Preschoolers singing last Sunday

Jam Kids add their praise on our Anniversary!

Teen Praise Team leads us in worship last Sunday

We are so glad Doug uses his gifts for our Lord and to point others to Christ

The Adult Choir sings out on "Saved"

Thanks Sandy for sharing your cardboard testimony with us, and thanks to all who participated last Sunday and made it such a special day.

I preached Wednesday night on the Quiet God from Isaiah 18.  The point of the message was that there are times in which God seems quiet and in some ways distant.  Sometimes this is merely a part of His plan for us, He told Isaiah that  He was going to rest or be quiet for a while.  But this doesn't mean He is not aware of everything that is going on in your life.  You may feel God is distant, but He is still there and He knows everything you are going through, He says in this passage He is looking down from His dwelling place.  So don't give up, God is aware of all you are going through, even when He is quiet and He does care. "Casting all your care on Him for He cares for you."


 Hope to see you Sunday

Thursday, September 6, 2012

37 Anniversary at Faith

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This Sunday  At Faith . . . (AM) 

LIFE SIGNS CELEBRATING 37 YEARS OF CHANGED LIVES, Sunday September 9, 2012 (9 am & 10:30 am)

IF you would like to participate by holding up your cardboard sign with your life testimony, contact the church office.   You create your sign on one side it can say cancer, sin, broken home etc. and on the flip side you can write in big letters for all to see, how God delivered you.  We want Faith to show signs of LIFE, please participate on Anniversary Sunday.  Please watch this video on Cardboard Testimonies to give you an idea of how you can share what God has done for you.  We will have a special service in addition to the cardboard testimonies, music, skits from all age groups and ministries.  That afternoon we will head to the Grace Bible Camp for an afternoon of food, fun, fellowship and music.

37 years ago God moved Elaine, Robbie and myself to Covington.  We didn't't know what to expect and we came with fear and expectation.   Fear in not knowing what to expect and expectation in wanting to see what God would do.  In my wildest dreams I didn't't think I would still be here 37 years later.  But He is faithful who calls who will also do it.  The Lord has added to the church as He saw fit and we have grown to know and love the church we affectionately call   "Faith".   Just a little while ago we received a beautiful flower arrangement from one of our first members, just another affirmation that God moves in mysterious ways and He is really working all things for our good.  Thanks for allowing me to be your pastor for these last 37 years and I am looking forward to the next 37. :)

  Sunday night 
(Our Sunday night service is canceled so we can all gather at the Grace Bible Camp)

  • Meal at 1:30  bring one side dish and dessert
  • Music in the mountains by our string band
  • Enjoy God's creation in the beautiful mountains of Goshen, VA
  • Stay as long as you like, sit on the big porch visit a while
  • Take a walk in the woods by the beautiful lake
  • Enjoy miniature golf, children's play area, horse shoes
  • Just relax as we celebrate 37 years of blessings
This week we received this gift acknowledging the help of Faith Baptist Church in providing a well for a village in India.  The money was received during a Children of the World concert last year.  I wanted to pass this on to you and thank God for allowing us to be a part of this project and show the love of Christ to this village.  Thanks for giving.

In my world. . . 
  • We were on the radio this past Sunday, I received a letter from the local jail.  Someone was listening at the jail and was moved by my testimony. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!  You never know who may be listening to you.
  • Please pray for Steve Mercer as he tries to adjust to life without his wife Audrey
  • Michelle Kahle is now a part of our computer team and has been a great help getting things ready each Sunday
  • Pray for Mary and Freddie who are in New Orleans doing relief work in the wake of the recent storm
  • Deacon on Deck for August: Mike Wade (968-0952)
  • New ladies studies forming here at Faith based on the book of Esther, please contact Staci Martin if interested
  • Missionary  of the week:Alan and Elena Stuphen (medical missionaries to Uganda)
  • Pray for the church leadership as the search has begun for a replacement for Bro. Chris, we are interviewing a prospect at this time
  • Pray for our teens here at the church involved in Bible distribution at our local high schools
  • Mark your calendars our Fall Outreach is Sunday night October 28 our theme this year is FALL FUN at FBC (5:30-7:30)  Pray that many people in our community will visit our church campus for the first time as we reach out to the community in the love of Christ

    Follow us on Facebook
Is there something you would like to comment about in this update?  Need to let the rest of us know something?  leave comment on Facebook at the link for this update

 You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.


Use this special day as a chance to invite your friends and neighbors back to church

This is a photo that appeared on the front page of our local newspaper, it shows members of our Wednesday night group the Backyard Lights giving out school supplies recently in our community.

This is the latest member of our church office staff.  The secretaries love this new member of the team.  It is a folding machine that Larry Woodward found at a ministry supply ministry.  Thanks Larry

Two of our teens here at Faith recently delivered some balloons to Glenna Barnette of our church family who is undergoing treatments for cancer.  Thanks Luke and Hannah, way to show the spirit of Christ!

Sunday was a great day as we baptized Madison Kelly and Elizabeth Ratliff

This is Fred Holley on a roof in New Orleans doing relief work after the storm, pray for Fred and Mary that they will have safe travel as they return home.