Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pastor's Update 06.30.11

This Sunday we are starting a new series in the Book of Proverbs.  Since it is July 4th weekend I thought we would explore what Proverbs says about a citizen and their country.  You may be surprised to see how much this book has to say about our relationship to our nation and our responsibility to our nation.  Hope you can join us for this entire series, as we look in Proverbs for God's view on our everyday life.

Steve and Kathleen All, along with Morgan Seay spent last Friday evening painting the roof of the children's building.  Thanks for the extra effort guys.  It needs second coat if you would like to help see Steve.

In my world. . . 

  • Praise the Lord we have paid off the portable classrooms
  • Deacon on Deck for July: Howard Nicely
  • Pray for Nancy Seabolt, Larry Woodward, and Audrey Mercer 
  • Missionary family of the week: Bill and Vicki White
  • We will be starting a new series in the Victory Bible Class on Wednesday nights (we meet in the main auditorium at 7 PM each Wednesday)

Teen Week July 17-21 each day at 6 PM (except Sunday which starts at 2 PM,
no Sunday PM Service at Faith)

You can now watch the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.

This Sunday we are going to the AET field for Operation Barnabas.
We are joining with several other area churches.  The program
begins at 6:30.  Come be challenged by this dynamic group
of young people.  This will take the place of our normal
Sunday evening service.  Please bring your own chairs.

Last Sunday I was speaking at the Brian Center Nursing Home.  We had a great time with the residents.  Lois and Emory Hinkle helped with the music.  Hanna and Luke Bradley also sang and helped with the service.  Elaine and I really appreciated the extra help.  Pray for this monthly ministry.  Come and join us one Sunday to see whats going on.

"Wanted to provide you Faith Baptist "Facebookers" with a total number for our attendance at VBS so far this week. One night left too! As of Wednesday night, we have had a total of 469 kids attend Pandamania VBS @ FBC. There have been 10 new professions of commitment to Christ as Lord and Savior!!! To God be the glory!
Thanks for praying and please keep it up!"--Chris     
This was the latest report from Bro. Chris, thank God for all He did during VBS and thank you workers who made it all possible.


TruthCasting - Sermons

TruthCasting - Sermons

Follow the above link to watch sermons from Faith

Friday, June 24, 2011

Keeping the Faith family in the loop of whats happening in our body of believers.

VBS is here! June 26-30 6-8:30 PM each night
(no adult service Sunday or Wednesday night next week)

This Saturday morning we will be registering students beginning at 9 AM
Sunday morning we will have a special kick off service with Christ bringing
a special morning message



In my world. . . 

  • We had a great time Wednesday night enjoying ice cream and friends at "I Scream"
  • Pray for the family of little Elaina Faith Hayslett who passed away this morning at 9 AM
  • Pray for Nancy Seabolt admitted to hospital this week
  • Pray for the family of Sarah Sheltmen who went to be with the Lord this week
  • We will be starting a new series in the Victory Bible Class on Wednesday nights

Teen Week July 17-21 each day at 6 PM (except Sunday which starts at 2 PM,
no Sunday PM Service at Faith)

You can now watch the sermons from Faith on the internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.

July 3 we are going to the AET field for Operation Barnabas.
We are joining with several other area churches.  The program
begins at 6:30.  Come be challenged by this dynamic group
of young people.  This will take the place of our normal
Sunday evening service.

This is the van purchased for our missionary Fred Stromberg.
The church and some classes helped on this project

We followed this mission out on this classic courtesy of Bud and
Pat Shires.  Hope to see in church Sunday


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Connecting People to God, Others and Service

June 16, 2011
4984866086_07c4c0b9e7.jpg   Pastor's Update Faith Baptist Church 

This Sunday                                                               June 19,2011                                                    
Morning (9 AM and 10:30 AM)

This Sunday I will be finishing a two-part sermon series.

Compass.jpg  The God-Pointed Life

In the second part of this series our focus will be on Noah.  Noah like David
lived a God-Pointed Life.  His impact was crucial in the life of his children. In
recognition of Father's Day we will be looking at Noah's impact on his children.
His children had a tough choice to make: follow their dad into the ark or follow the
majority belief of their culture.  They chose to follow their dad and the rest is history.

This Sunday we have a gift for each dad present, the teen praise team is singing
and Tim Bradley will have a special song for us, hope to see this Sunday.
Night (6 PM)
___The Mexico Mission Team is leaving this Saturday 6 AM at
the church, come help us send them off with prayer and please hold them
up in prayer all next week while they are gone
926345710_df4ee3fbab.jpg The infamous "yard sale" that helped
get the team to Mexico
Around Faith
VBS and Teen Week are Coming! We need your help! Parents you can register your children (VBS) 
online at our church web site
  • VBS June 26-30 6-8 PM each night (no adult service Sunday or Wednesday night that week)
  • Teenweek July 17-21 each day at 6 PM except Sunday which starts at 2 PM (no Sunday night service at Faith, come watch the teens get muddy on our land across the street)
  • Praise the Lord! a 2002 GMC van was purchased for our missionary Fred Stromberg to use while here on furlough, our church
  • had a part in this project! Thank You
  • Prasie the Lord we found out this week about two new members coming our way here at Faith
  • The Backyard Lights Wednesday group held an outreach at Walmart recently giving out water and taking prayer requests
  • Deacon on Deck this month is Tim Bradley
  • Missionary of the week is Phyllis Ackerman living in Lynchburg VA, she is the widow of Don our former missionary
  • Our church has a presence on Facebook, please use this as a tool to help get the word out about the Lord and Faith, just follow this link,Faith Baptist Covington on Facebook
  • Don't forget to check out our web site for all of the latest from Faith, Faith Web Site
  • Don't forget Wednesday nights, each Wednesday we meet at 7 PM with groups for everyone, why not try it this Wednesday?

We are hosting the Children of the World choir on Sunday night August 28 here at Faith. They have been with us several times and every time they have been such a blessing. Check out their web site Children of the World Webpage


 Would you be willing to be a check mate? As our church has grown, it is sometimes hard to keep up with everyone who is attending.
We all sit in the same pew every Sunday morning. If we could find someone who would be responsible for each pew, a check mate. If a regular attender is missing for a couple of weeks give them a call or send them a card, remember their birthday etc. In other words keep a check on your pew. We have 37 pews so we would need 37 people in each of the two morning services to become"check-mates". I am very thankful for those of you who have signed up to be a check mate. If you would be interested in participating please call Elaine at the church office (962-6335)


Hope to see you Sunday

Have a great day

Bro. Billy
Faith Baptist Church
311 Jackson Drive, Covington, VA 24426
Phone: (540) 962-6335

Thursday, June 2, 2011


June 2, 2011
Pastor's Update
Keeping the Faith Family in the Loop
This Sunday
Morning (9 AM and 10:30 AM)

This Sunday we will be recognizing fifteen people for their very special accomplishment
of finishing another stage in their education.  Please help us honor these special people on their
special day.


The morning sermon . . .

The "G" Factor   2 Corinthians 10:12-18

 We all want to be successful.  That is normal and the way it should be, but
when we remove God from the equation our success can turn into a nightmare.
Join us this Sunday as we discuss including God in our plans for success.

Success is a mess without God

 Night (6 PM)

 Chris will be leading us in our communion service.  Plan to join us as we reflect back on
what Christ did for us on the cross.  Please begin now to pray and prepare your heart for this special
time of worship.
   Around Faith  925359151_74ad8e4888.jpg

  • Congratulations! Aaron and Stephanie Seay on their marriage
  • Daniel Vance and Hannah Kelly tie the knot this Saturday!
paid_stamp.jpgPraise the Lord!  The land debt was paid in full this week!
  • VBS and Teen Week are Coming!  We need your help! Parents you can register your children (VBS) online at our church web site
  • Deacon on Deck this month is  Tim Bradley
  • Missionaries of the week are Ken and Carlene Jenkins
  • Our church has a presence on Facebook, please use this as a tool to help get the word out about the Lord and Faith, just follow this link, Faith Baptist Covington on Facebook
  • Don't forget to check out our web site for all of the latest from Faith, Faith Web Site
  • Don't forget Wednesday nights, each Wednesday we meet at 7 PM with groups for everyone, why not try it this Wednesday?

We are hosting the Children of the World choir on Sunday night August 28 here at Faith.  They have been with us several times and every time they have been such a blessing.  Check out their web site Children of the World Webpage


  checkmates2.jpg                                                                                                                                                 Would you be willing to be a check mate?  As our church has grown, it is sometimes hard to keep up with everyone who is attending.
We all sit in the same pew every Sunday morning.  If we could find someone who would be responsible for each pew, a check mate.  If a regular attender is missing for a couple of weeks give them a call or send them a card, remember their birthday etc.  In other words keep a check on your pew.  We have 37 pews so we would need 37 people in each of the two morning services to become"check-mates".   I am very thankful for those of you who have signed up to be a check mate.  If you would be interested in participating please call Elaine at the church office (962-6335)


Hope to see you Sunday

Have a great day

Bro. Billy
2 Corinthians 10:12-18 (NKJV) 
12 For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 13 We, however, will not boast beyond measure, but within the limits of the sphere which God appointed us--a sphere which especially includes you. 14For we are not overextending ourselves (as though our authority did not extend to you), for it was to you that we came with the gospel of Christ; 15 not boasting of things beyond measure, that is, in other men's labors, but having hope, that as your faith is increased, we shall be greatly enlarged by you in our sphere, 16 to preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man's sphere of accomplishment. 17 But "he who glories, let him glory in the LORD." 18For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends.

Faith Baptist Church
311 Jackson Drive, Covington, VA 24426
Phone: (540) 962-6335