This Sunday At Faith . . . (AM)
Storms have really been in the news lately. We have all had our struggles locally and our nation has been through some very trying times recently. Over one foot of snow covered areas of the northeast that had already been hit by Sandy this week. In this series I will be looking at "Storms" and how God used them in his peope's lives. This week we are looking at the prophet Jonah and how God used a storm in his life to redirect him in many ways. Hope you will join us for this series because either you have been in a storm, are in one now or will be in one soon.
- Nov. 11-Jonah
- Nov. 18- Special Guest: Matt Walls pastor Kathleen Baptist Church GA
- Nov. 25-Paul
Sunday night
Grow U got off to a great start last Sunday night, these groups will continue through November, please look over the list below and plan to attend this Sunday night at 6 PM
****PLEASE NOTE*****
In response to feedback from our church family we have decided to offer one of the groups in the worship center each night during November. All of the other groups will still be offered. If you prefer to continue to meet in the worship center, the following subject will be taught, no sign up is necessary. Just come to the worship center on Sunday nights in November for this group
“The Almighty and the Dollar” –A discussion on finances from a biblical position. This group is led by Ron Seabolt and Harry Newman and will be using resources from Dave Ramsey
“Grow U” is a collection of different small group options we are offering at FBC each Sunday night in November. Sign up at the welcome center and the group size is limited. A chidren's class will be provided during the month of November. Small groups offered will be:
”The Elephant Room”- A study from “The Truth About Same Sex Marriage” written by: Dr. Erwin Lutzer (President of Moody Bible Institute). This group will be led by Chris Chesley
“All About Attitudes” is a small group for women led by Elaine Price, dealing with the important topic of a Christ honoring attitude in every area of our lives. This study will be based around the book and accompanying video series called, “Lord Change My Attitude, Before It’s Too Late” by Pastor James MacDonald.
"The Witnessing Woman"This small group will be led by Shirley Wolfe. In this small group, women will be encouraged to get excited about personal evangelism, and will discuss practical ways of actually leading another person to salvation through Christ.
“Take The Plunge!”
This small group will be meeting in the home of Connie Baker. They will be using a dynamic video series by Louie Giglio In this series, Louie provides the biblical challenge for all Christians to come out of a spiritual stagnation and to dive into a real, lasting spiritual maturity in Christ. Space is limited to the first 10 to signup. NO CHILD CARE PROVIDED. 7pm to 8:30pm each Sunday evening. The Bakers live at 113 Hallies Road in Covington. Call Connie at 965-7177 for details and directions.
In my world. . .
- Over 500 people came through our church campus this week as we served as voting location for our community
- The teens recently attended ScareMare in Lynchburg VA, this outreach is sponsored each year by Liberty University
- Thanksgiving service is fast approaching we are meeting at the Covington Bible Church Tuesday night Nov. 20 7 PM (this will take the place of our normal mid-week service
- Deacon on Deck for November:Tim Bradley 968-3108
- Winter coat drive and Thanksgiving basket collection in progress, visit welcome center in front lobby
- Missionary of the week: Mark and Teresa Jacobsen (Haitian immigrants, south Florida)
- Men's prayer breakfast this Saturday 7 AM
- Pray for our budget meeting next week that God will give us wisdom concerning the finances of Faith
- Membership class 201 Sunday Nov. 11
- 50 + had a great time in Roanoke this week, Seasoned Saints Thanksgiving meal next Tuesday noon
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One of our teens had way too much time on their hands while waiting at the dentist. Do you know who this is ?This is Winter she used to attend Faith many years ago as a child now she is married with two children of her own, she is thinking about attending Faith once again. This picture was taken at Fall into Fun and this is what we were praying for as result of this outreach.
Bill and Vicki White joined us for Fall into Fun, they are our missionaries with Grace Bible Camp in Goshen VA. It was nice having some of our missionaries share the evening with us.
Every Wednesday night a group of folks attend the Victory Bible Class and then head down to MacDonalds for ice cream and coffee, here they are enjoying each other's compnay. On Sunday night another group gathers at Wendy's for fellowship. You are more than welcome to join these folks who feed their souls first then their stomachs :). They would love to have you join then Sunday or Wednesday night after the service. A small group I didn't even know about.
Hope to see you Sunday