- We thank the Lord our associate John Burnham led a man to the Lord recently at the hospital
- Another baptism is scheduled for Wednesday night November 6, contact the church office if you would like to be baptized (962-6335)
- Missionary of the Week:Weekday Religious Education
- 252 children's ministry every Sunday night
- 50+ has been on a trip all week in Tennessee pray for their safe return
- Robert and Helen Smith send out cards for the church every month. Thanks!
- Deacon on Deck for the month of September is Steve All (968-1040)
- Pray for Jamey and Lesley Smith as they leave for Danli, Honduras on October 31
- November 3 is a special day of prayer for persecuted Christians around the world
- We will be recognizing James McHenry on Sunday November 3 for becoming an Eagle Scout in the 10:30 service
- 39 people helped peel apples at Grace Bible Camp last week
- Please pray for the many families in our church who have experienced the loss of a loved one recently
Sharon Boguess, loss of Uncle The family of Pete Kimberlin Jon Fitzgerald, loss of grandmother Fred Parks, loss of mother