Thursday, August 29, 2013

Promotion Sunday

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This Sunday we continue our  two part series, "Impact!" (When a Christian sins).   This week we are looking at sin's impact on others.  Just as a rock dropped into a pond causes ripples that impact the whole pond, sin has a drastic effect on me and those around me.

 12 And he said to them, "Pick me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will become calm for you. For I know that this great tempest is because of me." Jonah 1:12 (NKJV) 
Jonah rebelled against God and those around him paid an awful price.  How does your sin impact your family, friends and neighbors.  We will see Sunday that sin

1.  Disrupts Lives
2.  Discredits God
3.  Delays the gospel

Hope you can join us Sunday!
New Clothes

Then He answered and spoke to those who stood before Him, saying, "Take away the filthy garments from him." And to him He said, "See, I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes." Zechariah 3:4 (NKJV) 
This Sunday night we will be looking at a powerful image of salvation in the book of Zechariah.  I will be preaching this message in conjunction with our Communion service.  Hope you can join us this Sunday night at 6 PM.

IN MY WORLD . . .         
  • We are planning another baptism in September
  • Missionary of the Week: Ken Jenkins (retired missionary)
  • Coming this Sunday night ! 252 children's ministry
252 will be meeting in the children's building at 6 PM Dennis and Sandra McHenry will be teaching
  • Praise the Lord for the three who were baptized Sunday night
  • Our church anniversary celebration is the second Sunday in September, mark your calendar
  • New mission trip forming for West Virginia, September 28 is the proposed date
  • Promotion Sunday is this Sunday, all students are moved to their new grade on this day (please read important  note from Jeff below about changes in Sunday School this Sunday)
Sunday Night at Faith just got a lot more interesting for teens! Horizon Youth is beginning a new video/discussion series entitled "Not a Fan" based on the popular book of the same name. Hope you can join us each Sunday night 6 PM in the "Green" room.
Note from Jeff
Here is a quick glace at what the new Sunday School classes will look like:
1st hour (9 AM)
Pre-School (Stickle)
1st-3rd (Price)
4th-5th (Livick) 
And, all adult classes
2nd hour (10:30)
Pre-school (Bradberry)
1st-3rd (Tingler) 
4th-5th (Children Church with Calvert)
6th-8th (Fox/Sharp) (Middle School)*
9th-12th (Fay/Bradberry) (High School)*
And, all adult classes

*The biggest change to note is the 6th graders are now in with middle schoolers, and 9th graders are in with high schoolers! Looking forward to a great Sunday!  This means any 6th graders in the 9 AM hour will be in the worship center.  Thanks
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LifePoint praise and worship at the Adam's house aka "Songtime with Uncle Dave"  Received this photo from Chris Chesley, this is the home Bible Study that is the starting point for his church.  They were so excited they had 24 in attendance.  Look at all those kids.  Pray for Chris and family in this new church plant.
John Burnham was surprised by an 80th Birthday party at the church last Sunday, Happy Birthday Bro. John
Sparkler's for Jesus Sunday School had their annual McDonalds outing before being promoted

Our web site has been updated.  Why not check it out, just click on the above image to go to our church site.  Thanks to Albert Harris for his work on our site.
Here is Emma Wright being baptized last Sunday

Here is Grayson Siers just before her baptism

Nathan Farris awaits his turn in the water
Click on above image to go to sermon site for our church.
Praise Buddies last Sunday at church
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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Church Anniversary is approaching

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This Sunday we begin a two part series, "Impact!" (when a Christian sins).   This week we are looking at sin's impact on me and next week we will be looking at sin's impact on others.  Just as a rock dropped into a pond causes ripples that impact the whole pond, sin has a drastic effect on me and those around me.

 For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me. Psalm 51:3

David cried out to God in psalm 51, realizing the far reaching impact of his sin.  Do you understand the effect sin has on your life?  Hope you will join us this Sunday.

18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.                              2 Peter 3:18

Jeff will  be preaching Sunday night about four habits we all need to develop in our walk with the Lord.
IN MY WORLD . . .         
  • Deacon on Deck Mike Wade (969-1483)
  • Missionary of the Week: John Kreynus( Ministry to the military in Virginia)
  • Coming the first Sunday night in September! 252 children's ministry
  • Praise the Lord for outreach at Scott Hill we had 23 people attend Tuesday's Tea
  • Our church anniversary celebration is the second Sunday in September, mark your calendar
  • Please pray for Sue Crowder who broke her leg and Pete Kimberlin in the hospital with pneumonia 
  • Promotion Sunday is the first Sunday in September all students are moved to their new grade on this day
  • Pray for all the students heading back to school
Surprise Visitor
I had a surprise visit from my pastor Melvin Campbell who is still actively involved in ministry in Lynchburg VA at the Jordan Baptist Church, you have often heard me refer to him in sermons.
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Rachel Kimberlin and Caleb Martin provided music at our Scott Hill tea ministry Tuesday
Our web site has been updated.  Why not check it out, just click on the above image to go to our church site.  Thanks to Albert Harris for his work on our site.
Here is Edgar Allen being baptized last SundayHere is Michelle Allen being baptized last Sunday at Faith
Click on above image to go to sermon site for our church.
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Friday, August 16, 2013

New Members at Faith

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This Sunday Jeff will be preaching from John 13 on a "Portrait of a Servant"  using Jesus Christ as his model.   This Sunday is Servant Appreciation Sunday and we will be publicly thanking all of our volunteers for the countless hours that they invest in the Lord's work here at Faith. 

Have you ever bought a new car and wondered how far you could drive after the gas pump symbol shows up on your dash?  Sometimes in our spiritual life we try to drive too far on too little gas and the results are disastrous.  Gideon had to learn directly from the Lord the importance of keeping your gas tank full.  Join us this Sunday night at 6 PM in the worship center as we examine how Gideon refilled his spiritual fuel tanks.  We will be spending some time in Judges 6, hope you can join us.
IN MY WORLD . . .         
  • Deacon on Deck Mike Wade (969-1483)
  • Missionary of the Week:Ted and Toni Farris (Navajo Indians)

  • Coming the first Sunday night in September! 252 children's ministry

  • Baptism this Sunday please contact church office if interested
  • Pray for Thom Burnette in the sudden death of his sister
  • Our church anniversary celebration is the second Sunday in September, mark your calendar
  • Please pray for Sue Crowder who broke her leg and Pete Kimberlin in the hospital with pneumonia 
  • If you see someone volunteering around the church stop and say thank you for their service
  • This week we delivered school supplies to 18 students in Alleghany County! Thanks

On Saturday, August 10
th, a crew from FBC went to West Virginia to help remodel a food pantry and clear land around a church hoping to be reopened by missionary John Wyatt.  You see Doug Shires, Dan Fey and Adam Bradberry with missionary John Wyatt.  Below you see the entire crew (40+) and work going on at the food pantry and the church.  Thanks to the leaders and volunteers who made a difference in West Virginia for the Lord. (You can view more photos at our church Facebook page)
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Last Saturday Jacob Montgomery had a special booth at StreetScene to encourage boys and girls to read the Bible he gave away over 170 toys and had that many verses read.  Thanks to Jacob and his family for having a heart for our community.  And thanks to all of you who helped on this project.
Our web site has been updated.  Why not check it out, just click on the above image to go to our church site.  Thanks to Albert Harris for his work on our site.
Here is Ron Seabolt teaching in our membership class last Sunday.  We had six people take the class and all six decided to join.  You can view their photos below if you see  them at church please welcome them into our church fellowship.
Click on above image to go to sermon site for our church.
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