Thursday, August 30, 2012

The God Who Weeps

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This Sunday  At Faith . . . (AM) 


  Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy, Psalm 107:2 (NKJV)

I am gearing up for Anniversary Sunday.  We want to recall God's goodness and grace to Faith.  We will be using cardboard testimonies (see below), skits, music and message to communicate the message of our God who has redeemed us from the hand of the enemy.  My message is still simmering but I want to address some of these questions.

What happpens when God's people don't declare their story?

Should I expect the world to tell the story of God?

Do I have a story?  What has God delivered me from?

What does it mean to be redeemed?

  Sunday night (6 PM)

Chris will be leading our church family to the Lord's Table this Sunday night.  Hope you can join us for this very special time.  Chris will be speaking on the "First and Second Adam"


IF you would like to participate by holding up your cardboard sign with your life testimony, contact the church office.   You create your sign on one side it can say cancer, sin, broken home etc. and on the flip side you can write in big letters for all to see, how God delivered you.  We want Faith to show signs of LIFE, please participate on Anniversary Sunday.  Please watch this video on Cardboard Testimonies to give you an idea of how you can share what God has done for you.  We will have a special service in addition to the cardboard testimonies, music, skits from all age groups and ministries.  That afternoon we will head to the Grace Bible Camp for an afternoon of food, fun, fellowship and music.
In my world. . . 
  • Baptism  this Sunday September 2 ( contact church office 962-6335)
  • Please pray for Steve Mercer and all of the family as Audrey went to be with the Lord this week after a long hard battle with cancer.  We are so thankful that she is perfectly whole now.
  • Thanks to whoever left that bag of tomatoes in my car Wednesday night they were gooood, especially that yellow fellow
  • Thanks to Alice White, Richard and Diana Taylor for decorating our church for the fall
  • Thanks to Anna and Chris for mulching the church, thanks to Joe for electrical work, and to Larry Woodward for computer work
  • Deacon on Deck for August: Mike Wade (968-0952)
  • Thanks to Barry Calvert for the work being done to the Children's building
  • Missionary  of the week:Tim and Jessica Roberston (Battambang Cambodia-in States on furlough)
  • Pray for the church leadership as the search has begun for a replacement for Bro. Chris, we are interviewing a prospect at this time
  • Please pray for our church finances we are now three full weeks behind on reaching our budget, if things continue as they have we could be an entire month behind by the end of the year
  • Mark your calendars our Fall Outreach is Sunday night October 28 our theme this year is FALL FUN at FBC (5:30-7:30)  Pray that many people in our community will visit our church campus for the first time as we reach out to the community in the love of Christ

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 You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.



We had an unusual Wednesday night at Faith this week.  I had just begun my lesson from the book of Isaiah when the lights went out at the church someone had struck a pole in our neighborhood and suddenly we all were sitting in the dark.  My class did not flinch, someone brought me a flashlight and I continued on in the dark.  Most people would probably not notice much difference because most of my preaching and teaching to them seems to be in the dark anyway.  But all things considered it was a great class and the Victory Bible Class sat there and listened to the Word of God until their pastor was finished.

My subject was an unusual phrase in Isaiah in which God speaking through His prophet describes the volume of tears He shed for Moab, of all people.  Moab had been a constant thorn in the side of Israel, yet in Isaiah 16 we see the compassion of a loving God.

Therefore I will bewail the vine of Sibmah, With the weeping of Jazer ; I will drench you with my tears, O Heshbon and Elealeh ; For battle cries have fallen Over your summer fruits and your harvest. Isa. 16:9 NKJV

Note the phrase, "I will drench you with my tears,"  God speaking of Moab.  Tears are a unique and special language of the soul.  When someone chooses to cry in front of me, they are opening a window into their souls.
Is not the compassion of our great God on display here in this text?  God was grieving over the sins of Moab, the destruction that was coming on this country and the coldness of their hearts.

I became convicted about the dryness of my tear ducts.  When I was a young preacher, I delivered one of my first sermons, I thought it was a disaster.  I couldn't say very many words with out crying.  I kept apologizing
to the congregation for what I thought was entirely too emotional appeal to them.  After the service an older seasoned lay speaker came up to me and said, "Don't ever lose the tears, they reveal the tenderness of your heart ."

I am ashamed to admit it but I don't cry much anymore in the pulpit.  I wonder, has my heart grown cold and hardened after years of ministry?  Thankfully we serve a God who doesn't't change, the same God who wept over Moab weeps over you.

Use this special day as a chance to invite your friends and neighbors back to church

We are working with the Covington Bible Church on a project to give out special Bible portions (the Life book) in our local schools, teens reaching teens.  We are hoping to distribute Bibles in our area high schools.

Chris and Anna Tucker Mulching around the church this week.

Glenn and Alice White and Diana and Richard Taylor get the church ready for fall!

This pass week was a real blessing for the church family as we got to ordain our own Frank Sizemore and send him out into the gospel ministry.  It was a great service, here you can see the pastors and deacons laying hands upon Frank.  Pray for Frank as he continues as pastor at Moss Run Baptist Church


 Hope to see you Sunday

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Frank Sizemore Ordination

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This Sunday  At Faith . . . (AM) 

"THE TRUTH ABOUT TRUST"  (Chris Chesley)

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; 6think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 (HCSB) 

  Sunday night (6 PM)
Frank Sizemore attended the first service of Faith Baptist Church in 1975.  He has been a part of Faith ever since.   He has served as a teacher, soloist and trustee.  Even to this day he is the driver for the 50+ group.   Recently Frank was asked to serve as interim pastor at Moss Run Baptist Church,  then the congregation asked him to come as their permanent pastor.  This Sunday night we will be holding a very special service at Faith as one of our own is ordained into the gospel ministry,  This Sunday night should be a very special service.   I hope you will make plans to join us as Frank is publicly set aside for the ministry of the Lord.  We will miss Frank and Bertha who have been such an important part of our ministry but we rejoice that they are going on to serve our Lord in the ministry.   Join for a very special time, lets show our support for Frank who has done so much for our church over the years.   A reception will follow the service.


IF you would like to participate by holding up your cardboard sign with your life testimony, contact the church office.   You create your sign on one side it can say cancer, sin, broken home etc. and on the flip side you can write in big letters for all to see, how God delivered you.  We want Faith to show signs of LIFE, please participate on Anniversary Sunday.  Please watch this video on Cardboard Testimonies to give you an idea of how you can share what God has done for you.  We will have a special service in addition to the cardboard testimonies, music, skits from all age groups and ministries.  That afternoon we will head to the Grace Bible Camp for an afternoon of food, fun, fellowship and music.
In my world. . . 
  • Baptism Sunday September 2 ( contact church office 962-6335)
  • Joe Reid made homemade pizza for the church staff today, thanks Joe it was gooooood! :)
  • Thanks to Alice White, Richard and Diana Taylor for getting the church ready for the new mulch this week
  • Pray for Bill and Vicki White and the Grace Bible Camp as they are going through some major changes in their ministry
  • Deacon on Deck for August: Steve All (862-9575)
  • Missionary  of the week:FBC Mission Team
  • Pray for the church leadership as the search has begun for a replacement for Bro. Chris, we are interviewing a prospect at this time
  • We recently had two folks complete the church membership class
  Chris Tucker (pictured here with his wife Anna) is already involved  in placing mulch around the church.

 Janet Wolfe is likewise active here at the church by illustrating the walls of the children's building

Please welcome these folks into our church family!  Are you a part of Faith? Contact the church office for the date of the next membership class.

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 You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.

The Men's Prayer Breakfast enjoyed their time at MacDonald's this month

Use this special day as a chance to invite your friends and neighbors back to church

We are working with the Covington Bible Church on a project to give out special Bible portions (the Life book) in our local schools, teens reaching teens.  We are hoping to distribute Bibles in our area high schools.


 Hope to see you Sunday

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Servant Appreciation Sunday

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This Sunday  At Faith . . . (AM) 

Servant Appreciation Sunday)

This Sunday we want thank all the people who make the ministry at Faith possible.  Each month hundreds of people give of their time, talent and treasure so that Faith can reach out into our community with the love of Christ.  From nursery workers to bus drivers, from choir members to grasscutters, from people watering flowers to people handing out bulletins, they all form a vital team at Faith.  May their tribe increase!  Our verse for this Sunday is found in the book of Ruth, "May the Lord repay you for what you have done" (2:12).

Your sacrifice has made all the difference in our church family, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  God will reward you according to His will and timing, I just want you to know I don't take for granted your continuing sacrifice as a servant of God.  I will be bringing a message themed around servanthood in the Bible.


  Sunday night (6 PM)

Chris preaching Sunday night come and learn about the "GOD OF WONDERS"

IF you would like to participate by holding up your cardboard sign, contact the church office.   You create your sign on one side it can say cancer, sin, broken home etc. and on the flip side you can write in big letters for all to see, how God delivered you.  We want Faith to show signs of LIFE, please participate on Anniversary Sunday.  Please watch this video on Cardboard Testimonies to give you an idea of how you can share what God has done for you.  We will have a special service in addition to the cardboard testimonies, music, skits from all age groups and ministries.  That afternoon we will head to the Grace Bible Camp for an afternoon of food, fun, fellowship and music.
In my world. . . 
  • Evan Groves is now out of town undergoing surgery on his eyes.  I just wanted to thank you for your generous giving to a love offering ( $2, 481.00) we received last Sunday for Evan
  • Thanks Kathleen and helpers for lining up Lemonade on the Lawn last Sunday night
  • Deacon on Deck for August: Steve All (862-9575)
  • Missionary  of the week:Pink and Selena Davis (New Zealand)
  • The Orange Room is now the Green Room (the teen room got painted)
  thanks to Jimmy and Sherry Smith for painting, also congratulations to Jimmy on his retirement from the school system this year
  • Thanks to Albert Harris for making the frames for the Sparklers class and the Horizon Youth Room
  • Baptism  this Sunday August 19 call the church office (962-6335) if interested
  • Pray for the church leadership as the search has begun for a replacement for Bro. Chris
  • Don't forget Ordination service for Frank Sizemore Sunday night August 26
  • Please pray for Michael Montgomery who was sent to Afghanistan for a nine month tour of duty, Michael grew up at Faith

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 You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.


Steve Mann went above and beyond, he is cutting the church lawn even though he is recovering from surgery on his arm.  Thanks Steve!

The Backyard Lights were invovled in several outreaches last week at Wal-Mart and the West Virginia state fair, this Wednesday Bible Study group has a core mission of reaching out to our community with the love of Christ.  Carrie McAllister is seen here working with the Wordless Book bracelet at the Fair.   They are giving out school supplies this evening here in Covington.  If you would like to be a part of this dynamic ministry please contact Chris Chesley their leader.


 Hope to see you Sunday

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Missionaries Visit Faith This Week

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This Sunday At Faith . . . (AM)

Chris will be preaching this Sunday morning from Mark 5.
The thrust of his message,
"The chains that hold us are never too strong for Christ to break"
What are you enslaved to? There is hope in Christ!

Sunday night (6 PM)

Missionary Elmo Compton will be our special guest. Elmo is a missionary to Peru, hope you can join us as he shares his vision for reaching the land of Peru. Here are a few web sites to learn more about Elmo,,
Last Sunday was a real blessing for Elaine and myself. I had the opportunity to baptize our grandson Evan. We were at the annual baptism of Grace Church in Lynchburg, it took place at a Christian camp named Eagle Eyrie not far from Lynchburg. It was a beautiful day and it was neat to see all the children following the Lord in believers baptism. Evan is Robbie and Kathy's son.

Missionary Richard Parker will be our special guest Wednesday night in the worship center. Richard is responsible for a far reaching ministry in Brazil through Word of Life Missions. Hope you can join us this Wednesday (7 PM) and see what God is doing in Brazil.

The ministry of Word of Life in Belém was inaugurated in February of 1992 due to the work of missionaries, Richard and Harriet Parker. The burning desire of this couple was to prepare the youth of Brazil to reach the river communities with the Gospel of Christ. Since then, the ministry has served the communities and churches of this area in seven areas.

In my world. . .
  • Evan Groves was born 9-11-08 he has Junctional EB. He lives in Covington, VA. with his mother Christian Groves and he has two sisters Chyanne 9 and Hannah 5 . We will be receiving a special love offer for Evan , a young boy in our area with special medical expenses this Sunday, August 12, Evan is Brenda Craft's grandson
  • School Supply Drive call Carrie McAllister 691-7065, drop off container at welcome center
  • Deacon on Deck for August: Steve All (862-9575)
  • Missionary of the week:Fred and Cindy Stromberg (Honduras)
  • Horizon Youth is back each Sunday Night at 6 PM in the Orange Romm
  • Membership class this Sunday following the morning service (call me if interested 968-1302)
  • Baptism Sunday August 19 call the church office (962-6335) if interested
  • Men's Prayer Breakfast this Saturday (August 11)
  • Pray for the church leadership as the search has begun for a replacement for Bro. Chris
  • Don't forget Ordination service for Frank Sizemore Sunday night August 26
  • Please make plans now to help us celebrate or 37th church anniversary on Sunday September 9
IF you would like to participate by holding up your sign, contact the church office. You create your sign on one side it can say forgiven, blessed, delivered etc. and on the flip side you can write in big letters for all to see what you have been delivered from, how you have been blessed, what God has forgiven you of etc. We want Faith to show signs of LIFE, please participate on Anniversary Sunday

Let me illustrate

You can pick up your poster board at the church office, be creative and give a public testimony for the Lord without saying a word. Has He saved you, delivered you, blessed you? Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! Hope you will share in the celebration. Don't forget we are heading up to Grace Bible for food, fun, music and fellowship following the morning service. Hope to see you then.

On Saturday August 11 folks from Faith Baptist will be involved in an outreach at the West Virginia State Fair from 10 AM to 2 PM, we are looking for people to be involved through face painting and the wordless book. If you would like to be a part of this evangelistic outreach please see Chris Chesley (960-0504) or a member of the Backyard Lights study group.

Follow us on Facebook
Is there something you would like to comment about in this update? Need to let the rest of us know something? leave comment on Facebook at the link for this update

You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.

John Ryan plays at the recent finishing well service, do you recognize those two in the photo? Let me know if you think you do.

David Mann who used to attend Faith joined me for a Pastor's lunch recently at Scott Hill

Hope to see you Sunday