We have more events coming up at Faith that focus on parenting
- May 27 PM - Parental Guidance required (dvd) Reggie Joiner (Do You Know Where Your Children Are?)
- June 03 PM - Parental Guidance required (dvd) Andy Stanley ( The Big "I")
- June 10 PM - Parental Guidance required (dvd) Reggie Joiner (Tuning In the Right Friends)
- June 17 - Father's Day - Matt Walls pastor at Southside Kathleen Baptist church in Kathleen GA will be speaking
In my world. . .
- Our teen praise team sang last night in a revival at Clifton Forge Baptist Church, way to go teens
- It's that time VBS and TeenWeek are fast approaching check Welcome Center for sign up sheets to bring food items
- Deacon on Deck for April: Howard Nicely (862-7838)
- Missionary of the week:Bill and Vicki White (Grace Bible Camp, Goshen VA)
- Church Softball team is forming please contact Kristy Tolley (968-2404)
- Graduate Sunday is June 3, please encourage your graduate to sign up at the Welcome Center
Eileen had George Washington as her graduation speaker. He doesn't look bad for a man his age.
- Please pray for Audrey and Steve Mercer (Love offering for Mercers at Faith June 3, Fund raiser at AET field 4-8 PM June 3)
- How we thank God for His blessings upon our jail ministry, four ladies trusted Christ in recent weeks, pray for Shirley Wolfe and her faithful work at the local jail
Chris and I just finished a series on ownership. It was really neat to see one of our teens
Justin Sharp taking ownership of the church bus. It was used last night to take the teens to the revival mentioned above and they are using it again Saturday, Justin was at the church today washing the bus getting it ready for the next trip. This is ownership in action, may his tribe increase. Thanks Justin
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just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.
http://www.truthcasting.com/player.aspx#showSermon=35980You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad. You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.
Ted and Tonie FarrisOur missionaries to the Navajo Indians sent us a wonderful report recently.
Mermit Mason in his mid fiftes trust Christ as his savior, a few days later he went to be with the Lord.
Mrs. Begay a 75 year old trusted Christ and was baptized on Mother's Day.
Mr. Peter Tom age 86 trusted Christ from a hospital bed and then went to be with the Lord one day and a half later.
How we rejoice with the Farris family at God's wonderful work there in New Mexico.
Doug WilliamsDorcas and I just wanted to say hello, and ask for your prayers for us as we travel to Ecuador tomorrow. We will be there for about 10 days, and will be doing some translation checking on 2 Samuel and other OT portions, and doing some teaching as well. Thanks so much for all of your prayers and support, and please pray that the Lord will use us to be an encouragement and blessing to the Awa believers and to our co-workers in the mission while we are down there. (Doug is pictured above on his current trip)
Seth Bradley had a great write up in the Roanoke Times, he has really excelled in sports at AHS. He is graduating in a few days and heading to Roanoke College in the fall. We have seen Seth and many of our graduates grow up at Faith. Plan to attend and honor them the first Sunday in June.
Hope to see you Sunday
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