Thursday, September 29, 2016

Impact Student Ministries begin this Sunday and we gather around the Lord's Table Sunday night

aith Connection                                         Connecting people with God, Others and Service

The Critic

As we journey through this life, we encounter all kinds of people.  Some of these people barely touch our lives and we pass like two ships in the night.  But some people, the people I call impact people can change us forever.  This impact can be good and rewarding or it can be extremely damaging.  King David was in a terrible situation, he was fleeing from his own son who had turned against him; leading a rebellion to overthrow him.  During this series we will take a look at those who impact us for good and bad.

The fifth and final sermon in this series deals with a man by the name of Shimei.  Shimei a distant relative of Saul who comes out and viciously criticizes David as he is fleeing from his son.  It is amazing to see how David responds to this criticism and it teaches us some valuable lessons on handling criticism. Hope you can join us this Sunday at 9 AM or 10:30 AM.
This Sunday night  6 PM

Jeff Riley will be leading us in worship and communion as we gather for the Lord's Supper, hope you can join us this Sunday night at 6 PM

  Deacon on Deck for October 
  • Tim Bradley and his wife Karen are serving our congregation this month.  Tim is Deacon on Deck and he would be glad to help you in anyway please feel free to call him at 968-3108
  • Please pray for Ethan Calvert as he gets adjusted in his new location 
  • Sunday, October 16th Pastor Appreciation Sunday, Guest speaker our retired missionary Ken Jenkins
  • Wednesday, October 5th @ 7:00 pm Our missionary Ted Farris giving an update in the Victory Bible Class (we want all classes to meet in the auditorium that night)
  • Sunday, October 30th Fall Into fun (Community outreach)           6 pm – 8 pm
  • PRIME TIME is a new ministry starting in 2017 for seniors at Faith, this ministry is being led by Bill White if you have any questions or comments see Bill  
  • We now have hearing assist devices available for all of our services, please see Doug in the sound-room to pick up yours before each service. If you have difficulty hearing the service these devices will allow you to listen on your own individual head set.
  • Ladies Prayer Time
    Every Sunday at 8:45 a.m.
    In the Bawl Room (located across the hall from our nursery)
     Every Wednesday night at 5:45, sign up at Welcome Center.  Cost $5.00 per person and discounts for families.  This week barbecue is on the menu, hope you can join us.

                              Ron blessed us last Sunday night with a great message on faith based on the life of Enoch.
Follow your church family on Facebook.  Learn of what is going on in the church family.  Just click on above image to go to our Facebook page

New series on Wednesday nights. Basic Christianity based on book by John Stott.  Join us    7 PM in Worship Center, books available for $3 each. 
(Click on the above image to go to Faith Baptist Missionary Families Facebook page for the latest concerning our missionaries.)
  • Caleb Vance Please pray for Caleb as he now begins to raise his prayer and financial support.
  • Saturday, October 22nd
    Bake Sale/Craft Sale
    Benefit for Caleb Vance’s Mission Fund
    Saturday, October 22nd from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Covington Wal-mart.  If you are willing to contribute baked goods or crafts, please sign up in the foyer or see Katrina Bradberry at 461-1960.
  • For tickets to Missionary Brunch see Anna Tucker or stop by church office
  • Quilters will be making blankets for missions on Saturday Oct. 1, 10 AM Room 6
  • Danni Fey is now attending college in DC and serving as a part time missionary while in school
  • Missionary of the week:Jacob Morse and family in Korea

Pink Davis and family our missionaries to New Zealand. Please pray for this precious family.
The church web site is loaded with all kinds of info about our church and many photos of recent events.  Why not check it out, just click on the above image to go to our church site.  Thanks to Albert Harris for his work on our site.

Christ Centered Couples class meets each Wednesday night at 7 PM in room 6.   For more information see Pastor Jeff. 
Click on above image to go to sermon site for our church.
“Much that we take for granted in a ‘civilized’ society is actually based upon the assumption of human sin. Nearly all legislation has grown up because we simply cannot be trusted to settle our disputes with justice and without self-interest. A promise is not enough; we need a contract. Doors are not enough; we have to lock and bolt them. The payment of fares is not enough; tickets have to be issued, inspected and collected. Law and order are not enough; we need the police to enforce them. All this is due to our sin. We cannot trust one another. We need protection against one another. It is a terrible indication of what human nature is really like.”-John Stott
Teens and Parents starting this Sunday October 2 there will be a huge change in our student ministries here at Faith.  10:30 each Sunday morning all teens will meet in the modular building for Impact Student Ministries.  Jeff Riley will be speaking each week to our teens, live praise and worship led by Levi Seay and Jeff has some special surprises up his sleeve.  Please encourage the teens in your life to be a part of this dynamic ministry and pray that God will use this new ministry to "impact" teens in Alleghany County.

My name is Billy Price and I have been the pastor of Faith Baptist Church for 41 years.  I graduated from Lynchburg Baptist College in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1975.  It is now known as Liberty University.  Upon graduation our little family of three moved to Covington Virginia to begin a new church.  Elaine, my wife; Robbie, my son and myself  started our grand adventure.  I was soon blessed with a daughter, Robin.  People often ask me did I know when I started I would be here 41 years later, I can honestly say no and God hasn't given me a reason leave.  I have enjoyed my ministry in the mountains of Virginia, if it is His will I hope to finish my race here, but that's up to Him.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Ron Seabolt speaking Sunday night, Impact teen ministry soon to start

Faith Connection                                         Connecting people with God, Others and Service


As we journey through this life, we encounter all kinds of people.  Some of these people barely touch our lives and we pass like two ships in the night.  But some people, the people I call impact people can change us forever.  This impact can be good and rewarding or it can be extremely damaging.  King David was in a terrible situation, he was fleeing from his own son who had turned against him; leading a rebellion to overthrow him.  During this series we will take a look at those who impact us for good and bad.

The fourth sermon in this series deals with a man by the name of Ziba.  Ziba found David in a difficult situation and took advantage of that situation.  Hope you can join us this Sunday at 9 AM or 10:30 AM.
This Sunday night  6 PM

One of our deacons Ron Seabolt will be sharing with us from the Word of God.

  Deacon on Deck for September
  • Steve All and his wife Kathleen are serving our congregation this month.  Steve is Deacon on Deck and he would be glad to help you in anyway please feel free to call him at 968-1040

  • Please pray for Ethan Calvert, heard from Ethan and he is settling in on his new job
  • Sunday, October 16th Pastor Appreciation Sunday, Guest speaker our retired missionary Ken Jenkins
  • Wednesday, October 5th @ 7:00 pm Our missionary Ted Farris giving an update in the Victory Bible Class (we want all classes to meet in the auditorium that night)
  • Sunday, October 30th Fall Into fun (Community outreach)           6 pm – 8 pm
  • PRIME TIME is a new ministry starting in 2017 for seniors at Faith, this ministry is being led by Bill White if you have any questions or comments see Bill  
  • We now have hearing assist devices available for all of our services, please see Doug in the sound-room to pick up yours before each service. If you have difficulty hearing the service these devices will allow you to listen on your own individual head set.
  • Ladies Prayer Time
    Every Sunday at 8:45 a.m.
    In the Bawl Room (located across the hall from our nursery)
 Every Wednesday night at 5:45, sign up at Welcome Center.  Cost $5.00 per person and discounts for families.  This week pizza is on the menu, hope you can join us.
Follow your church family on Facebook.  Learn of what is going on in the church family.  Just click on above image to go to our Facebook page

New series on Wednesday nights. Basic Christianity based on book by John Stott.  Join us    7 PM in Worship Center, books available for $3 each. 
(Click on the above image to go to Faith Baptist Missionary Families Facebook page for the latest concerning our missionaries.)
  • Caleb Vance Please pray for Caleb as he now begins to raise his prayer and financial support.
  • Saturday, October 22nd
    Bake Sale/Craft Sale
    Benefit for Caleb Vance’s Mission Fund
    Saturday, October 22nd from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Covington Wal-mart.  If you are willing to contribute baked goods or crafts, please sign up in the foyer or see Katrina Bradberry at 461-1960.
  • Quilters will be making blankets for missions on Saturday Oct. 1, 10 AM Room 6
  • Danni Fey is now attending college in DC and serving as a part time missionary while in school
  • Missionary of the week:
We just completed 8 days of camp with Korean teens. Jacob Morse and Mike Nicholes were keynote speakers. WOLBI Students did a fantastic job leading the program, counseling, music, tech, drama and many areas of service. We saw around 20 teens make public professions of faith as well as others for dedication. Great week. Shout out to Joe Min for leading a great camp and to the Bible Fellowship Church in Seabring Florida for bringing your youth group to help and add so much excitement! Our next Momentum 3 day camp starts on Thursday.

The church web site is loaded with all kinds of info about our church and many photos of recent events.  Why not check it out, just click on the above image to go to our church site.  Thanks to Albert Harris for his work on our site.

Christ Centered Couples class meets each Wednesday night at 7 PM in room 6.   For more information see Pastor Jeff. 
Click on above image to go to sermon site for our church.
“It was the resurrection which transformed Peter’s fear into courage, and James’s doubt into faith. It was the resurrection which changed the Jewish Sabbath into the Christian Sunday. It was the resurrection which changed Saul the Pharisee into Paul the apostle, the fanatical persecutor into a preacher of the very faith he previously tried to destroy."-John Stott
Teens and Parents starting Sunday October 2 there will be a huge change in our student ministries here at Faith.  10:30 each Sunday morning all teens will meet in the modular building forImpact Student Ministries.  Jeff Riley will be speaking each week to our teens, live praise and worship led by Levi Seay and Jeff has some special surprises up his sleeve.  Please encourage the teens in your life to be a part of this dynamic ministry and pray that God will use this new ministry to "impact" teens in Alleghany County.

Please pray for our teens as they stand for the Lord in their schools.
My name is Billy Price and I have been the pastor of Faith Baptist Church for 41 years.  I graduated from Lynchburg Baptist College in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1975.  It is now known as Liberty University.  Upon graduation our little family of three moved to Covington Virginia to begin a new church.  Elaine, my wife; Robbie, my son and myself  started our grand adventure.  I was soon blessed with a daughter, Robin.  People often ask me did I know when I started I would be here 41 years later, I can honestly say no and God hasn't given me a reason leave.  I have enjoyed my ministry in the mountains of Virginia, if it is His will I hope to finish my race here, but that's up to Him.
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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Jamey Smith and Lesley Ann Smith commissioning service, Back to Church Sunday, New Impact Student Ministry at Faith

Connecting people with God, Others and Service


As we journey through this life, we encounter all kinds of people.  Some of these people barely touch our lives and we pass like two ships in the night.  But some people, the people I call impact people can change us forever.  This impact can be good and rewarding or it can be extremely damaging.  King David was in a terrible situation, he was fleeing from his own son who had turned against him; leading a rebellion to overthrow him.  During this series we will take a look at those who impact us for good and bad.

The third sermon in this series deals with a man by the name of Hushai.  He was a trusted counselor to King David and was willing to leave Jerusalem with David.  We see in Hushai all the qualities of a good friend. We should count ourselves fortunate if we have a friend like that and pray that God will help us to be a friend like that.  Hope you can join us this Sunday at 9 AM or 10:30 AM.
This Sunday night  6 PM
Jamey & Lesley Smith Commissioning Service 9/18/16

When a brand-new ship is ready to set sail, it is “commissioned.” The event is arranged by the ship’s builders and shareholders, and serves as a public declaration that the vessel is seaworthy and ready for voyage. The commissioning is the launching point of the ship’s active service.  Sunday night  we gather to celebrate the commissioning of Jamey & Lesley Smith to reach the people of Managua, Nicaragua with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

After their experience serving in Honduras for the last several years, they are excited to continue in the vision that God laid on their hearts years ago to use their skill sets to serve the developing world.  The eMi America Latina office will be serving with other on the ground ministries in Nicaragua and throughout Central and South America to provide design and construction services. They will also be working on community-based water and sanitation projects.  Jamey will be serving as a water resources engineer and project leader.  It is their heart to bring the Gospel to the poorest and least reached people on earth.

To talk with Jamey & Lesley stay for the reception following the service 

  Deacon on Deck for September
  • Steve All and his wife Kathleen are serving our congregation this month.  Steve is Deacon on Deck and he would be glad to help you in anyway please feel free to call him at 968-1040

  • Please pray for Ethan Calvert, heard from Ethan and he is settling in on his new job
  • Please pray for Larry Woodward and Linda Newman recovering from major heart surgery, also pray for Shirley Wolfe in ARH
  • We have three new members at Faith: Corky & Janice Downer and Miranda Sterner.  Please welcome this folks into our church family.
  • Please pray for Glen White and family in the loss of his father
  • Monday, September 19 50+ trip to Beckly WVA leave church 8 AM
  • Tuesday, September 20 Loads of Love ministry meet at church 5:15
  • PRIME TIME is a new ministry starting in 2017 for seniors at Faith, this ministry is being led by Bill White if you have any questions or comments see Bill  
 Every Wednesday night at 5:45, sign up at Welcome Center.  Cost $5.00 per person and discounts for families.
Follow your church family on Facebook.  Learn of what is going on in the church family.  Just click on above image to go to our Facebook page

New series on Wednesday nights. Basic Christianity based on book by John Stott.  Join us 7 PM in Worship Center, books available for $3 each. 
(Click on the above image to go to Faith Baptist Missionary Families Facebook page for the latest concerning our missionaries.)
  • Caleb Vance Please pray for Caleb as he now begins to raise his prayer and financial support.
  • We will have a commissioning service and reception for Jamey and Lesley SmithSunday night September 18.  We're so excited to announce that we have our official leave date for Nicaragua.  We have been approved to purchase plane tickets forSaturday, October 15th! Thank you all for praying faithfully with us that we would be in Nicaragua by mid-October. Our prayers have been answered! We still have some support left to raise before then, so please be praying that all of that will be provided in the next month 
  • Danni Fey is now attending college in DC and serving as a part time missionary while in school
  • Missionary of the week:Simpsons in England 
Dear Pastor/churches/praying friends, Lisa and I are forever grateful for your faithful love, prayer & support. England is trying to figure out where they are on the world stage. A new prime minister has been appointed as David Cameron stepped down after the vote to leave the UK. You may have heard about the Lisbon Treaty and invoking article 50. Once the PM does that, the UK will have 2 years to formally pull out of the EU. Please pray as unsure days are ahead. God has a plan in it all. We need to trust Him with it. School is set to start here tomorrow. That means all of our “school year” related ministries starts back after a 6 week break. Please pray for me as school assemblies, youth club and Messy Church starts up. These are all great opportunities for the gospel. Pray that we can see listening and responsive hearts. One of the battles I have been facing over the last year or two is that it seems that any number of people have listened but then decisions for Christ seem few and far between. I realise God Himself bring reap the harvest as we are faithful in proclaiming His truth. Having said that, God is great at bringing ways to encourage us. This past Friday, I met Ferdy Ameen. He is a Saudi Arabian national who has been living in England for some time. We got talking and the Lord gave me a great opportunity to share Christ with him. Apparently he and his family experienced some form of persecution. Putting 2 and 2 together, it appears he fled to England. He has a keen interest in God but was burdened down with feeling he had to name each and every sin. His understanding about Christ’s death and grace was very minimal. Please pray for him. On a bit lighter note, I had an interesting experience. Someone walked in and asked if I did “baptisms”. I tried to keep her attention enough to explain what baptism is but she seemed a bit in a hurry as she wanted to have a place that had a “proper church building”. Interpreted, that means … a steeple, wood pews, high rising pulpit all inside of a stone building structure with some 15th century stained glass of the apostles. I’m not sure we will ever have a “proper church building” :) God bless you all. We love you. Attacking the strongholds, guarding the saints and setting the captives free. 
The church web site is loaded with all kinds of info about our church and many photos of recent events.  Why not check it out, just click on the above image to go to our church site.  Thanks to Albert Harris for his work on our site.

Christ Centered Couples class meets each Wednesday night at 7 PM in room 6.   For more information see Pastor Jeff. 
Click on above image to go to sermon site for our church.
The fellowship of the local church is created by truth and exhibited in love. So the Christian fellowship should be marked equally by love and truth, and we are to avoid extremism which pursues either at the expense of the other. Our love grows soft if it is not strengthened by truth, and our truth hard if it is not softened by love. Scripture commands us both to love each other in the truth and to hold the truth in love.-John Stott
Teens and Parents starting Sunday October 2 there will be a huge change in our student ministries here at Faith.  10:30 each Sunday morning all teens will meet in the modular building for Impact Student Ministries.  Jeff Riley will be speaking each week to our teens, live praise and worship led by Levi Seay and Jeff has some special surprises up his sleeve.  Please encourage the teens in your life to be a part of this dynamic ministry and pray that God will use this new ministry to "impact" teens in Alleghany County.

Please pray for our teens as they stand for the Lord in their schools.

Work going on this week at the church, new flooring for the bathrooms in the McAllister Addition
My name is Billy Price and I have been the pastor of Faith Baptist Church for 41 years.  I graduated from Lynchburg Baptist College in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1975.  It is now known as Liberty University.  Upon graduation our little family of three moved to Covington Virginia to begin a new church.  Elaine, my wife; Robbie, my son and myself  started our grand adventure.  I was soon blessed with a daughter, Robin.  People often ask me did I know when I started I would be here 40 years later, I can honestly say no and God hasn't given me a reason leave.  I have enjoyed my ministry in the mountains of Virginia, if it is His will I hope to finish my race here, but that's up to Him.