Friday, December 19, 2014

Read the latest about the Christmas Celebration at Faith

Faith Connection 
 Carols of Christmas

This Sunday we continue in our "Carols of Christmas" sermon series.  This Sunday we are looking at "Away in a Manger".  This carol is usually the first one we learn as a child and is one of the most beloved in the world.  This carol celebrates the simple story of Christmas.  We will be using two verses from Luke chapter two.

And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7 (NKJV)19 But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19 (NKJV)

Why was Jesus born in a manger?

What was God communicating to us through the manger?

Things certainly didn't go well for Mary that Christmas night but how did she respond, how do we respond when things don't work out as we had hoped?  Join us this Sunday morning at 9 AM or 10:30 AM.

Our main point this Sunday is:
God is in control
When life seems
Out of control
Join us this Sunday Night!  6 PM in our worship center for a very special Christmas music experience.  Children, teens and adults will all be involved as they bring us the the sounds of the season  Hope you can join us!
IN MY WORLD . . .  
  • Membership Class 201, Sunday February, 22, 2015.  Call the church office no later than Monday, February 16th if you are interested in taking this class.
  • Deacon on Deck for the month of December:Mike Wade (968-0952) The deacon on deck is here for you, if you need prayer or advice please call Mike this month.  He would love to be used by God in your life.
  •  Mission trip next year to Honduras,  for more information contact Katrina Bradberry or Kathleen All.  
  • Missionary of the Week:
  • New ministry, Helping Hands ladies helping ladies with household work sign up at Welcome Center
  •  252 children's ministry every Sunday night (The theme for December is Generosity)
  • Dolly Ann Apartments looking for people who would donate some items for some of their children.  Please check the hall bulletinn board if you would be interested in this outreach.
  • Don't forget your quarters for our "Loads of Love" ministry
  • Our Christmas offering:thanks for giving because you gave we were able to send John Kreynus $1,000 for his car fund and give $1,000 to help needy families in our area
  • GROW U is coming in January, if there is a special class you would like  please tell Jeff the subject and we will try to offer the class during GROW U
  • Hospital visits on Christmas Eve, if you would like to bring cheer to patients contact Michelle Montogomery or sign up at the Welcome Center
  • Praise the Lord Jay Lockhart was able to attend the Victory Class dinner he had just been discharged from the hospital the day before
  • Christmas Card Baskets are now in the lobby of the church near the Welcome Center (thanks to Vicki Vance for this ministry)
  • Please note these schedule changes during the holiday season
    • Only one service on Sunday December 28 (10:30 AM)
    • Children's Church, Preschool, and Nursery only other groups meeting at this time
    • No Sunday night service on December 28
    • No Wednesday service on December 31
Follow your church family on Facebook.  Learn of what is going on in the church family.  Just click on above image to go to our Facebook page
21-6 PM Karen and Friends Christmas
24-6 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Click on the above image to go to Faith Baptist Missionary Families Facebook page for the latest concerning our missionaries
Merry Christmas!
FBC Pastors and Staff

Thanks you for all the cards, goodies and gifts given to us during this holiday season.
Our web site has been updated.  Why not check it out, just click on the above image to go to our church site.  Thanks to Albert Harris for his work on our site.
Join in the Beth Moore Bible Study on the boook of Revelation.  This study is going on in the Women of Faith Sunday School class which meets in room 8 at 9 AM every Sunday
We want to thank the Praise Team and the Jam Kids for a great concert last Sunday Night
The Action Team meets every Wednesday night 7 PM in the children's building, the leaders are Ann Woodward and Michelle Montgomery
On January 18, 2015 we will begin a very special campaign here at Faith.  We will spend several months covering the entire Bible using "The Story".  
The Story is an abridged, chronological Bible that reads like a novel. There are no verse references, and Scripture segments are seamlessly woven together with transition text into a single grand narrative. For those intimidated or overwhelmed by the unabridged Bible, The Story helps people understand God’s Word more fully and engage with it more easily.
Simple, accessible, and easy to use, churches are finding The Story a powerful way to engage their people in Bible reading like never before. As The Story brings the Bible to life, the broad scope of God’s message will penetrate hearts. People of all ages will be swept up in the story of God’s love and God’s plan for their lives.

The Story is not designed to replace your personal Bible but to supplement your Bible study.  It is a great tool to give you a grand overview of the scripture.  We are encouraging you to read along with us as we journey through the entire Bible.  (LifeWay Christian bookstores have The Story on sale for $5.00, we will also provide a sign up sheet at the Welcome Center if you would like to order through the church.)
There has been some interest in the church providing a Wednesday meal at 6 PM for families so they can attend the Wednesday activities at Faith.
What do you think? Please call the church office or respond on Facebook, would this be something your family would benefit from, there would be a small cost each week. Please give us your feedback so we can feed you.
Click on above image to go to sermon site for our church.
Alright Men!! Wildfire Weekend is quickly approaching. March 6-7th at Liberty University. If your interested in attending this year please plan on getting signed up. Sign-up sheet will be in the Man Cave this Sunday. Also, we have found a place we can all stay for $42.50 each (including breakfast) but we will need a $15 deposit immediately. Lodging fills up quickly for this event so don't delay
The Christ Centered Couples Class  started back up this Wednesday. They will be going through a 6 week Bible study series called: "Your Time-Starved Marriage".  The class meets every Wednesday at 7 PM in the Fellowship Room.  For more information call Bryan Persinger (540-958-8206)
Painters needed we are painting the McAllister Addition contact church office if you can help.

Need flower beds weeded.

We need a leadership team for a possible couple's class on Sunday morning contact Jeff

The pastors need someone who will categorize and load sermon illustration videos on hard drive

Nursery workers contact Annette King or Helen Gibson

Please consider parking in the gravel lot at the far back of the church or on the new land across the street to make room for our elderly and visitors.

Technical Team: computer operator on Sunday nights

My name is Billy Price and I have been the pastor of Faith Baptist Church for 39 years.  I graduated from Lynchburg Baptist College in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1975.  It is now known as Liberty University.  Upon graduation our little family of three moved to Covington Virginia to begin a new church.  Elaine, my wife; Robbie, my son and myself  started our grand adventure.  I was soon blessed with a daughter, Robin.  People often ask me did I know when I started I would be here 39 years later, I can honestly say no and God hasn't given me a reason leave.  I have enjoyed my ministry in the mountains of Virginia, if it is His will I hope to finish my race here, but that's up to Him.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Christmas Communion this Sunday night at Faith

Faith Connection 
 New sermon series starting this Sunday:
Carols of Christmas

A sermon series in December on the great songs of Christmas 

Silent night 7 Billy
Joy to the world 14 Jeff
Away in a manger 21 Billy
Go tell it on the mountain 28 Jeff

Join us this Sunday Night!  6 PM in our worship center for a very special start to our Christmas season here at Faith.  We begin our season with a unique communion service that combines Christmas carols, scripture reading and music from our praise team.  Hope you can join us!
IN MY WORLD . . .  

  • Victory Bible Class members please sign up for our Christmas Dinner at the Welcome Center
  • Deacon on Deck for the month of December:Mike Wade (968-0952) The deacon on deck is here for you, if you need prayer or advice please call Mike this month.  He would love to be used by God in your life.

  •  Mission trip next year to Honduras,  for more information contact Katrina Bradberry or Kathleen All.  
  • Missionary of the Week:
                           (Please pray for Rhonda as her dad was called home to be with the Lord recently)       
  • New ministry, Helping Hands ladies helping ladies with household work sign up at Welcome Center
  •  252 children's ministry every Sunday night (The theme for December is Generosity)

  • Dolly Ann Apartments looking for people who would donate some items for some of their children.  Please check the hall bulletinn board if you would be interested in this outreach.
  • Don't forget your quarters for our "Loads of Love" ministry (next outreach December 13) 
  • Our Christmas offering this year is going to help Missionary John Kreynus purchase a car and to help needy families in our area
  • GROW U is coming in January, if there is a special class you would like  please tell Jeff the subject and we will try to offer the class during GROW U
  • Hospital visits on Christmas Eve, if you would like to bring cheer to patients contact Michelle Montogomery or sign up at the Welcome Center
  • No Men's Prayer Breakfast this month
  • Christmas Card Baskets are now in the lobby of the church near the Welcome Center
  • Victory Bible Class Christmas meal Wednesday December 17 at Best Western 7 PM this Wednesday is the deadline to pay and sign up
Follow your church family on Facebook.  Learn of what is going on in the church family.  Just click on above image to go to our Facebook page

  7-6 PM  Christmas Communion
14-6 PM Praise Team Christmas
17-7 PM Class Christmas Parties
21-6 PM Karen and Company Christmas
24-6 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Join the Victory Bible Class this Wednesday night at 7 PM in the Worship Center to view the second part of the Thrill of Hope Christmas video series with pastorAndy Stanley
Click on the above image to go to Faith Baptist Missionary Families Facebook page for the latest concerning our missionaries
She's here! Kyra Dianne Seay, born at 5:49 Wednesday morning. 6 lbs, 14 oz, 19.5 in. We're all doing well- this is the message from Aaron and Stephanie Seay, the proud grandparents are David and Marissa Seay
Our web site has been updated.  Why not check it out, just click on the above image to go to our church site.  Thanks to Albert Harris for his work on our site.
Join in the Beth Moore Bible Study on the boook of Revelation.  This study is going on in the Women of Faith Sunday School class which meets in room 8 at 9 AM every Sunday
On January 18, 2015 we will begin a very special campaign here at Faith.  We will spend several months covering the entire Bible using "The Story". 
The Story is an abridged, chronological Bible that reads like a novel. There are no verse references, and Scripture segments are seamlessly woven together with transition text into a single grand narrative. For those intimidated or overwhelmed by the unabridged Bible, The Story helps people understand God’s Word more fully and engage with it more easily.
Simple, accessible, and easy to use, churches are finding The Story a powerful way to engage their people in Bible reading like never before. As The Story brings the Bible to life, the broad scope of God’s message will penetrate hearts. People of all ages will be swept up in the story of God’s love and God’s plan for their lives.

The Story is not designed to replace your personal Bible but to supplement your Bible study.  It is a great tool to give you a grand overview of the scripture.  We are encouraging you to read along with us as we journey through the entire Bible.  (LifeWay Christian bookstores have The Story on sale for $5.00, we will also provide a sign up sheet at the Welcome Center if you would like to order through the church.)
There has been some interest in the church providing a Wednesday meal at 6 PM for families so they can attend the Wednesday activities at Faith.
What do you think? Please call the church office or respond on Facebook, would this be something your family would benefit from, there would be a small cost each week. Please give us your feedback so we can feed you.
Click on above image to go to sermon site for our church.
Alright Men!! Wildfire Weekend is quickly approaching. March 6-7th at Liberty University. If your interested in attending this year please plan on getting signed up. Sign-up sheet will be in the Man Cave this Sunday. Also, we have found a place we can all stay for $42.50 each (including breakfast) but we will need a $15 deposit immediately. Lodging fills up quickly for this event so don't delay
The Christ Centered Couples Class  started back up this Wednesday. They will be going through a 6 week Bible study series called: "Your Time-Starved Marriage".  The class meets every Wednesday at 7 PM in the Fellowship Room.  For more information call Bryan Persinger (540-958-8206)
Painters needed we are painting the McAllister Addition contact church office if you can help.

Need flower beds weeded.

We need a leadership team for a possible couple's class on Sunday morning contact Jeff

The pastors need someone who will categorize and load sermon illustration videos on hard drive

Nursery workers contact Annette King or Helen Gibson

Please consider parking in the gravel lot at the far back of the church or on the new land across the street to make room for our elderly and visitors.

Technical Team: computer operator on Sunday nights

My name is Billy Price and I have been the pastor of Faith Baptist Church for 39 years.  I graduated from Lynchburg Baptist College in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1975.  It is now known as Liberty University.  Upon graduation our little family of three moved to Covington Virginia to begin a new church.  Elaine, my wife; Robbie, my son and myself  started our grand adventure.  I was soon blessed with a daughter, Robin.  People often ask me did I know when I started I would be here 39 years later, I can honestly say no and God hasn't given me a reason leave.  I have enjoyed my ministry in the mountains of Virginia, if it is His will I hope to finish my race here, but that's up to Him.