Friday, July 25, 2014

VBS great success read all about it

Missionary Alan Sutphen next Sunday
God wanted to know.  Why were His people not asking a simple, yet extremely important question.  As we live our busy lives it is very easy to forget to ask this question.  Join us this Sunday morning as we find out what this question is in Jeremiah chapter 2.  It truly is a question that can change the way you live.
This Sunday night Jeff will be preaching on Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.                                                                                                    Psalm 37:4 (NASB)The core point Jeff is stressing this Sunday night is;


Hope you can join us in the Worship Center at 6 PM this Sunday night
IN MY WORLD . . .         
  • Deacon on Deck for the month of July: Steve All (968-1040) The deacon on deck is here for you, if you need prayer or advice please call Steve this month.  He would love to be used by God in your life.
  • Possible mission trip next year to Honduras contact Kathleen All for details
  • Missionary of the Week: 
  • Alan Sutphen will be with us on Sunday morning August 3 in both morning services
  •  252 children's ministry every Sunday night (The theme for June and July  is Harmony)
  • FBC T-Shirts sign up at Welcome Center
  • Some folks who visited during VBS are going to start riding our church van to Faith
  • Brian Center ministry this Sunday
  • Faith Baptist Church will be 39 years old on August 3, 2014
  • We will celebrate our church anniversary on Sunday September 7
  • Don't forget your quarters for our "Loads of Love" ministry
Follow your church family on Facebook.  Learn of what is going on in the church family.  Just click on above image to go to our Facebook page
August 3 is the actually date that Faith Baptist was born.  Here is the newspaper article that ran before that first Sunday.  These 39 years have flown by and it is difficult for me to believe on August 4th we will begin our 40th year as a church family. 
Click on the above image to go to Faith Baptist Missionary Families Facebook page for the latest concerning our missionaries
Our 2014 VBS is now history but we rejoice in what God did through director Jeff Riley and all the volunteer staff.  It was a great week in many ways.  The teamwork, the prayers and all the hard effort to make it happen.  Here are the numbers:

nightly average children-106
nightly average workers-57
nightly average adult class-23
Total average-186

But the greatest number of all is that 11 children prayed to receive Christ as their Savior
Our web site has been updated.  Why not check it out, just click on the above image to go to our church site.  Thanks to Albert Harris for his work on our site.
We have just gone through a couple of weeks of intensive ministry here at Faith.  TeenWeek and then Vacation Bible school are very busy times around the church.  How we thank God for our volunteers.  We could not do what we do at Faith if it were not for our faithful workers who show up and step up to the challenge.  I know God has a special reward for these precious saints of God.  But as pastor I would just like to say thank you for all you do to make the ministry at Faith possible.
Click on above image to go to sermon site for our church.
Painters needed we are painting the McAllister Addition contact church office if you can help. (See above)

Need flower beds weeded.

We need a leader for a video series Wednesday night in our couples class (Christ-Centered Couples) contact Jeff

We need a leadership team for a possible couple's class on Sunday morning contact Jeff

Nursery workers contact Annette King or Helen Gibson

Please consider parking in the gravel lot at the far back of the church or on the new land across the street to make room for our elderly and visitors.

Technical Team: computer operator on Sunday nights

It is a rare treat in our family to have the whole tribe together.  This week we were all able to meet up in Georgia for a few days.  It was nice to have everyone in the same place at the same time and NeeNee was so happy with this photo.  Thank God for the blessing of family, it was one of His best ideas.
My name is Billy Price and I have been the pastor of Faith Baptist Church for 39 years.  I graduated from Lynchburg Baptist College in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1975.  It is now known as Liberty University.  Upon graduation our little family of three moved to Covington Virginia to begin a new church.  Elaine, my wife; Robbie, my son and myself  started our grand adventure.  I was soon blessed with a daughter, Robin.  People often ask me did I know when I started I would be here 39 years later, I can honestly say no and God hasn't given me a reason leave.  I have enjoyed my ministry in the mountains of Virginia, if it is His will I hope to finish my race here, but that's up to Him.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Vacation Bible School is here!

VBS begins July 20, TeenWeek great success
This Sunday morning Jeff will be speaking on Training Our Kids from Proverbs 22:6.
Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 (NASB)

Vacation Bible School begins this Sunday at Faith (July 20-24 - 6 - 8:30 PM, age 2 to grade 6) Please note the Adult Class will meet in the Man Cave each night from 6-7 PM.

Our director Jeff is still in need of some items. " Alright FBC Peeps: We are a little less than a week away from the start of VBS! There are still a few things we are in need of: here is a list of things we are looking for: 
4 large blue tarps, twine or string to hang the tarps from ceiling, duct tape, spray bottles, a costume Moses beard,  Enough peeps (yes marshmallow birds) for 1 per kid, 1 box of frosted flakes per 30 kids, wet wipes, 2 bottles of water per child, straight straws, old sheets, a variety of rugs, wax paper, and any ideas on how to make a fake camp fire.
If you able to help with any of this please contact the Church office or drop it by the Church this week. Thanks"

If you are interested in helping with VBS please contact Jeff at 968-2523
IN MY WORLD . . .         
  • Deacon on Deck for the month of July: Steve All (968-1040) The deacon on deck is here for you, if you need prayer or advice please call Steve this month.  He would love to be used by God in your life.
  • Possible mission trip next year to Honduras contact Kathleen All for details
  • Missionary of the Week: 
  •  252 children's ministry every Sunday night (The theme for June and July  is Harmony)
  • FBC T-Shirts sign up at Welcome Center
  • Please pray for Fred Dunford who is battling cancer
  • Pray for John Burnham who is recovering at home from surgery
  • Faith Baptist Church will be 39 years old on August 3, 2014
  • We will celebrate our church anniversary on Sunday September 7
  • Don't forget your quarters for our "Loads of Love" ministry
Follow your church family on Facebook.  Learn of what is going on in the church family.  Just click on above image to go to our Facebook page
Here is our missionary Ralph Green speaking in Korea, he has been battling cancer but by God's grace he was able to teach a class on Psalms in the Word of Life Bible Institute.  Thanks for your prayers.
Click on the above image to go to Faith Baptist Missionary Families Facebook page for the latest concerning our missionaries
The Victory Bible Class meets each Wednesday night at 7 PM.  This week we had a real treat as Grayson Siers sang in our class.  Johnny Fox led our prayer time and Mike Wade led our congregational singing.  I am currently teaching a series on "The Grace of God".  Hope you will plan to join us one Wednesday evening, we meet in the Worship Center.
Our web site has been updated.  Why not check it out, just click on the above image to go to our church site.  Thanks to Albert Harris for his work on our site.
Breeze Riley & Faith Tucker volunteered a few hours at the Church this week getting VBS stuff together. We appreciate all of our volunteers who help make things go so smoothly here at FBC
Click on above image to go to sermon site for our church.
Amelia Kahle  hard at work on the 10 Cs for VBS, VBS takes a team and we are so thankful for all the folks who work to make this outreach to children possible.
Did you notice the back hallway at church looks a lot brighter?  Thanks to Dennis McHenry there is a fresh coat of brighter paint on the hallway.  Dennis could sure use some help on painting the rest of the hallways in the McAllister Addition.  Please call Dennis if you would like to help at 969-9372.  Thanks Dennis for your hard work on this it does look a lot better and brighter.
Painters needed we are painting the McAllister Addition contact church office if you can help. (See above)

Need flower beds weeded.

We need a leader for a video series Wednesday night in our couples class (Christ-Centered Couples) contact Jeff

We need a leadership team for a possible couple's class on Sunday morning contact Jeff

Nursery workers contact Annette King or Helen Gibson

Please consider parking in the gravel lot at the far back of the church or on the new land across the street to make room for our elderly and visitors.

Technical Team: computer operator on Sunday nights

Today (July 17th) is the anniversary of the day I was diagnosed with Leukemia.  If you do the math it has been 14 years since I heard that unsettling piece of news.  The above photo shows  me kneeling at a tree in our background. Elaine started a practice of each year on the anniversary of the diagnosis of remembering the faithfulness of God.  So 14 years later I remember.  God's grace has been sufficient and I am truly thankful for these 14 years God has given to me.   Thank you God and thank you Elaine for helping me remember the faithfulness of our God.
My name is Billy Price and I have been the pastor of Faith Baptist Church for 38 years.  I graduated from Lynchburg Baptist College in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1975.  It is now known as Liberty University.  Upon graduation our little family of three moved to Covington Virginia to begin a new church.  Elaine, my wife; Robbie, my son and myself  started our grand adventure.  I was soon blessed with a daughter, Robin.  People often ask me did I know when I started I would be here 38 years later, I can honestly say no and God hasn't given me a reason leave.  I have enjoyed my ministry in the mountains of Virginia, if it is His will I hope to finish my race here, but that's up to Him.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

TeenWeek Success and VBS just around the corner

VBS begins July 20, TeenWeek great success
This Sunday morning I will be speaking on "Confidence".  God called the prophet Jeremiah to a very special task and Jeremiah felt he wasn't up to that task, so God had to instill confidence in Jeremiah by helping him to see the bigger picture, that God had a purpose and plan for the prophet.  Join us this Sunday as we learn how God can give us confidence to face life.

The word of the LORD came to me, saying,
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
"Ah, Sovereign LORD," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child."
But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.
Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.
Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "Now, I have put my words in your mouth.
10 See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."                 Jeremiah 1:4-10 (NIV) 
Jeff is preaching this Sunday night on "Obey Your Thirst", what makes you thirsty?There *came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus *said to her, "Give Me a drink."
For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.
Therefore the Samaritan woman *said to Him, "How is it that You, being a Jew, ask me for a drink since I am a Samaritan woman?" (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.)
10 Jesus answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."
11 She *said to Him, "Sir, You have nothing to draw with and the well is deep; where then do You get that living water?
12 "You are not greater than our father Jacob, are You, who gave us the well, and drank of it himself and his sons and his cattle?"
13 Jesus answered and said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again;
14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life."
15 The woman *said to Him, "Sir, give me this water, so I will not be thirsty nor come all the way here to draw."    John 4:7-15 (NASB) 
IN MY WORLD . . .         
  • Deacon on Deck for the month of July: Steve All (968-1040) The deacon on deck is here for you, if you need prayer or advice please call Steve this month.  He would love to be used by God in your life.
  • Possible mission trip next year to Honduras contact Kathleen All for details
  • Missionary of the Week: 
  •  252 children's ministry every Sunday night (The theme for June and July  is Harmony)
  • FBC T-Shirts sign up at Welcome Center
  • Please pray for Margaret Miller, Nathan Miller's wife who is battling cancer the Millers used to be part of our mission's family here at Faith
  • Pray for John Burnham who is still in Lewis Gale Hospital Salem
  • Its camping season contact the church office for your discount coupon to Grace Bible Camp
  • Pray for Ralph Green on a mission in Korea
  • Don't forget your quarters for our "Loads of Love" ministry
  • We still have some needs for staff in our VBS if you can help contact Jeff
  • Sign up for special 50+ trip at welcome center
  • Reminder to our teens: This Sunday is Douthat Day! Bring a packed lunch and a few dollars (Cover the cost of swimming) because after the 2nd service we will be headed out! We will be back by 7pm. Hope you will plan to attend
Follow your church family on Facebook.  Learn of what is going on in the church family.  Just click on above image to go to our Facebook page
The church is getting ready VBS is on the way.  Please pray for this important outreach to the children of our area.
Vacation Bible School at Faith July 20-24 - 6 - 8:30 PM (age 2 thru grade 6)
Click on the above image to go to Faith Baptist Missionary Families Facebook page for the latest concerning our missionaries
The Victory Bible Class began a new study on Wednesday night.  Each Wednesday night in the Worship Center at 7 PM we will be looking at "The Grace of God".  
Thank the Lord for a great week at TeenWeek 2014 averaging over 150 per night and several decisions for Christ and many teens from out of town attending.  Thanks for all your prayers and work.
Our web site has been updated.  Why not check it out, just click on the above image to go to our church site.  Thanks to Albert Harris for his work on our site.
Great child dedication service last Sunday at Faith.  If you would like to participate in a future service please notify the church office. (962-6335)
Click on above image to go to sermon site for our church.
New Mission Trip to Duo West Virginia, Saturday July 12.  Call Katrina Bradberry if interested  We need help with painting, clearing brush and flooring.
Jeremy Bartley who attends Faith Baptist Church-Covington, VA is a finalist for the Nationaly Inspiring Coach award. He and his wife Erin work with Horizon Youth each Sunday night. They are pictured here with their son Levi. Here is a link to read more about the award: Congratulations Jeremy hope you win the national award.
Painters needed we are painting the McAllister Addition contact church office if you can help.

We need a leader for a video series Wednesday night in our couples class (Christ-Centered Couples) contact Jeff

We still have some needs for staff in our VBS if you can help contact Jeff

We need a leadership team for a possible couple's class on Sunday morning contact Jeff

Nursery workers contact Annette King or Helen Gibson

Please consider parking in the gravel lot at the far back of the church or on the new land across the street to make room for our elderly and visitors.

Technical Team: computer operator on Sunday nights

My name is Billy Price and I have been the pastor of Faith Baptist Church for 38 years.  I graduated from Lynchburg Baptist College in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1975.  It is now known as Liberty University.  Upon graduation our little family of three moved to Covington Virginia to begin a new church.  Elaine, my wife; Robbie, my son and myself  started our grand adventure.  I was soon blessed with a daughter, Robin.  People often ask me did I know when I started I would be here 38 years later, I can honestly say no and God hasn't given me a reason leave.  I have enjoyed my ministry in the mountains of Virginia, if it is His will I hope to finish my race here, but that's up to Him.