- Deacon on Deck for the month of December: Mike Wade (968-0952)
- Please continue in prayer for our missionary Ralph Green as he continues to battle cancer, below is a recent photo of Ralph
- 252 children's ministry every Sunday night (This month's theme is knowledge-know how)
- Missionary of the week:Phyllis Ackerman retired missionary from the Philippines
- Grow U sign up sheets in the lobby
- 50+ this Monday sign up sheet at Welcome Center
- Seasoned Saints meal Tuesday January 14, noon at the church
- Men's Prayer Breakfast this Saturday 7 AM Fellowship room
- The lowest temperature I heard of from church folks was Larry Cluck -7 degrees brrrrrrrr!
- Praise the Lord for great first offering of 2014, we got off to a strong start financially
- The church office mailed out the year end giving reports, please check these over if you need a corrected copy please contact the church office (962-6335)
- Elaine Price and Alice White were running in the Victory Bible Class Wednesday night, if you see them ask them why? :)