Friday, February 15, 2013

Special Missionary Guest this Sunday Night

Special Missionary guests this Sunday night.
This Sunday I will be continuing the sermon series:

Spiritual Heart Disease

This series is based in the book of Malachi, the last book in the Old Testament.  As we come to the end of the Old Testament we discover the children of Israel were far away from God and they didn't even recognize it.  In this three week series we will be looking at the symptoms and the cure of Spiritual Heart Disease.

This Sunday our subject is:

Respecting God

"A son honors his father, And a servant his master. If then I am the Father, Where is My honor? And if I am a Master, Where is My reverence? Says the LORD of hosts To you priests who despise My name. Yet you say, 'In what way have we despised Your name?'Malachi 1:6 (NKJV) 

This Sunday night at 6 PM Carla Bieber (pictured here serving in Mexico) and Kyle Franklin will be with us promoting Biblical literacy around the world
BMM/BI Missionary Appointee Carla Bieberloves to help people learn to read. She loves it so much, in fact, that she has committed her life to teaching people to read … not just anything, but the Word of God. Carla’s desire to see this happen has taken her to two different countries recently.
Near the end of 2011, Carla traveled to Mexico to work with the Tenek Indians living there. The Tenek people have some literacy materials available, but while these materials are available, they do not include Christian vocabulary. The Mexican government is committed to literacy among the minority groups, and has even worked with the Tenek people on their Scripture translation efforts, giving BI’s translator wonderful opportunities to share the gospel. A few of those involved in adult literacy efforts attended the teacher training Carla conducted while there. When the Old Testament stories were taught, these unsaved linguistic workers began asking many questions about the stories, questioning why they were included in the Bible. Pray for the translator and his wife, Fernando and Christy Angeles, as they seek ongoing opportunities to share the gospel with these unbelieving linguists. And pray for the Angeles as they continue to encourage literacy efforts among the adult Teneks who do not yet know how to read.
More recently Carla worked in Peru, PeruLadywhere she again worked with a minority group, the Quechua-speaking people. These people have few resources available to them, and many in the community do not yet know how to read. In light of the fact that BI just dedicated a New Testament there, the need for reading among these people is felt much more strongly now.Carla was happy to help them create a primer based on Bible stories. She tells us, “They were excited to have the opportunity to teach their people to read and to teach them truths from the Word of God at the same time. We tested the primer with several Quechua ladies, and they were so excited as they followed along and were able to read the first lesson when it was finished. One lady gave me a huge hug and expressed over and over again how thankful and excited she was to have the chance to learn to read.”
It is hard to believe Easter is just around the corner. This year we will be in a special sermon series, "The Easter Experience"during the month of March leading up to Easter Sunday on Sunday March 31, this year both of our services will get to worship together at the Covington High School Auditorium at 10:30 for one unified service.Hope you will plan to join us and bring your friends and neighbors.
This is Michele Kahle and she is our new Missions Coordinator at Faith.  She has been very busy already.  She has set up a new Face Book page just for our missionaries (see above), if you would like to check it out your self just follow this link, Faith Missionary Families

She has a lot of exciting things planned for the missions program at Faith if you would like to get involved please contact Michele (


  • Mike Wade is our deacon on deck for the month of February (968-0952)
  • Missionary of the Week: Alan and Elena Sutphen (Uganda)
  • We had to miss a Sunday because of bad weather but I want to thank God's people here at Faith you made up the budget difference the following Sunday, thanks for your giving spirit.
  • M & Ms are not just the candy, we call them ministry moments here at Faith, we define them as every time face to face ministry takes place through out the week, since the beginning of the new year we have averaged over 700 M & Ms per week, with the exception of the snow week.
  • Praise the Lord Sunday School continues to be strong we had 205 in Sunday School last Sunday
  • Our parking lot was at 80% this past Sunday
  • Ladies Retreat  March 1-2 at Grace Bible Camp
  • New Quilters group last Thursday of the month (6:30 PM rm 6)
  • Samaritan Sisters Bible Study (3rd Wednesday 10:30 rm 6)
  • Home Study begins March 10 home of Jeff and Connie Baker, the subject "Heaven"
Don't Ask!  These are some of the refined members of the 50+ group that travel every 3rd Monday to some exotic destination.  It always includes shopping, fun, food and lots of laughter.  Join them on their next journey, only one requirement, you must be 50+. (In case you didn't recognize them under those bear hats, we see Bill Kelly and Corky Downer pictured above)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Steve and Kathleen share a special message with the church

This Sunday I will be beginning a new sermon series:

Spiritual Heart Disease

This series is based in the book of Malachi, the last book in the Old Testament.  As we come to the end of the Old Testament we discover the children of Israel were far away from God and they didn't even recognize it.  In this three week series we will be looking at the symptoms and the cure of Spiritual Heart Disease.

This Sunday our subject is:

Doubting The Love of God

"I have loved you," says the LORD. "Yet you say, 'In what way have You loved us?' Wasnot Esau Jacob's brother?" Says the LORD. "Yet Jacob I have loved;                                                                        Malachi 1:2 (NKJV) 
This Sunday night Jeff will be bringing a message from Mark Chapter 10 on:


46 Now they came to Jericho. As He went out of Jericho with His disciples and a great multitude, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the road begging.
47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"
                            Mark 10:46-47 (NKJV) 
It is hard to believe Easter is just around the corner. This year we will be in a special sermon series, "The Easter Experience"during the month of March leading up to Easter Sunday on Sunday March 31, this year both of our services will get to worship together at the Covington High School Auditorium at 10:30 for one unified service.Hope you will plan to join us and bring your friends and neighbors.
This is the Facebook painting crew.  A few weeks ago I posted a need to paint one of our classrooms and four ladies from our Church graciously volunteered to paint the classroom.  Thanks to Sarah Burnette, Connie Baker, and Sandra Maydian(pictured).  Also thanks to Laurie Fitzgerald who headed up the project. (not pictured)

  • Mike Wade is our deacon on deck for the month of February (968-0952)
  • Missionary of the Week: Tim and Jessica Robertson (Cambodia)
  • 55 people attended the Victory Bible Class last night
We would like to share with our church family some recent news – Kathleen was diagnosed on Thursday with breast cancer. The current pathology reports indicate the cancer is in its early stages, but she has some upcoming appointments that will give us more information and details.
Our church family is very important to us and we ask for your prayers as we begin this journey and for wisdom for the doctors. While we are anxious and unsure of what the future holds, we know that we serve a God who is BIG and who never changes. We will keep you posted and we so appreciate the ability to share this with you, knowing you will be praying for us.
Steve & Kathleen
Here is an update from our short term missionary to Turkey  Caleb Vance:

I will be leaving in May to head to Dallas for training and then on June 2nd, I will leave for Istanbul, Turkey.  I will be in Turkey for 89 days and will be working with Iranian refugees and new believers.  I will be helping some with English and also in other areas of need.  Cost will be approximately $8,000.  This trip is a requirement for my mission’s degree and I am excited for the opportunity.  Thank you to the church for prayers and any financial support will be greatly appreciated.  If you personally feel led to support Caleb on this trip, please speak with Caleb, his parents Chris & Vicki Vance or the church office.
Here is an update from our church planters Chris and Leann Chesley

We are currently beginning to approach some specific people who we feel would be great team members for the work.  Pray that God will work in the hearts of those we talk to and just lead and direct to bring our team together as He wants.  Also, there is a possibility of us joining with an independent church planting network called Berean Fellowship of Churches whose sole purpose is to help establish and support new church plants..  We had to abandon the name we were originally going to use for the ministry, “Journey” as it is already being used by a recent contemporary ministry in Beckley.  We have another name we are leaning towards, but will let you know when the name is definite.  Thank you to everyone for the continued prayer and encouragement and thanks to the church for the financial support – all is greatly appreciated and needed.
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