( I recevied an email from one of our membersConnie Baker this week and she had an idea for a new ministry here at Faith, I thought I would pass it on to you and see what you thought. If interested why not contact Connie and see if this idea can become a reality)
While getting ready for church this morning, I was thinking of my Mom which resides at Scott Hill. I have been praying about what to do to help her not be so lonely.
She spends a lot of time in her apartment by herself, as I suspect many others do as well.
She doesn’t really know very many folks there, and yet there are 6 floors of apartments on both sides of the building.
This idea popped into my head of having an afternoon tea once a month, changing floors each month. By slipping an invitation under the doors of the apartments to the tea (planned for that particular floor), earlier that morning. Each guests just bring their favorite tea cup, and the rest would be provided by our formally dressed members that might like to be involved in this ministry. Such as:
Flavored teas
Crumpets, tea cakes or any little treats good with tea
Pretty plates & utensils
Table cloth with decorative centerpiece
Bible readers & poetry readers
Singers & guitar player to serenade
My hope is that after 6 months (because there are 6 floors), the residents will have drawn closer to each other. Perhaps this could be an example of pure and undefiled religion in ministering to these widows and widowers in their distress as James instructs us.