or VBS 2012 kicks off Sunday night We challenge everyone that is not already working in VBS to “Observe or Serve” that night. We will be designating our evening service to this purpose. So, mark your calendars for July 8
th and come out at 6pm, ready to observe or to serve where needed. Thanks!Please note that our Wednesday night service is being moved to Thursday night so we can participate in the
SKY vacation bible school closing service. Please note we will be meeting at 8 PM for this service. I will be telling a story for children of all ages and you will see and hear of the impact of our vacation bible school. This service is usually packed so come early for a seat.
In my world. . .
- Mazi Grace came into the world weighing in at 4lbs. 2 oz. she was 9 weeks premature but praise the Lord is healthy please pray for her and her parents Tim and Brittany Elmore
- TeenWeek is fast approaching check Welcome Center for sign up sheets to bring food items and supplies (see below)
- Deacon on Deck for July: Ron Seabolt 962-4239
- Missionary of the week:Romeo and Kaye Capuli (Southeast Asia Directorship with Advancing Native Missions)
- TeenWeek kick-off July 15th 9:00 & 10:30 AM Speaker, Jonathan Windle
- Please pray for Kristi Tolley (Harris) some complications have developed with her pregnancy
- Baptism this Sunday please call church office if interested
- Frank Sizemore is being ordained at our church in August
- No Sunday night Horizon Youth in the month of July
- John Burnham is on vacation during the month of July, please contact the church office or one of the other pastors if you need assistance
- I am so thankful for the way our community pulled together in the recent storm
Follow us on Facebook
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Faith-Baptist-Church-Covington-VA/367864835486Is there something you would like to comment about in this update? Need to let the rest of us know something? leave comment on Facebook at the link for this update
You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.
http://www.truthcasting.com/player.aspx#showSermon=35980You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad. You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.
JULY 15th- 19th
Don't Miss it!!!
Schedule for TEENWEEK:
Sunday, July 15th: Faith Baptist Church Registration 1:30-2:30 MUD DAY 2:30-9pm BRING CHANGE OF CLOTHES & FILLED WATER BALLOONS!!
Monday, July 16th: JRSC 6-10 pm
Tuesday: July 17th: Grace Brethren Church 6-10pm
Wednesday, July 18th: Clifton Middle School 6-10pm
Thursday, July 19th: JRSC 6-11pm
This is the view from Howard Merrell's boat at Lake Moomaw Friday evening.
This was the view minutes later when the storm of 2012 hit. I have never seen a storm move in that fast. We were barely able to get the boat to shore and had to walk it onto the trailer. In the process I fell in the lake. :) In the mean time Kathy Merrell and Elaine were holding on for dear life on the floating dock at Cole's Point. We got home at 3 AM that morning after waiting for hours for a crew to come and cut trees out of the way. Needless to say we will never forget the storm of 2012.
This was the morning after at the church, our vbs sign didn't weather the storm very well.
This was the lone tree damaged on our property, we thank God for the minimal damage the church recieved from the storm.
In spite of storms, gas shortages and no ice the American spirit lives on. Here is Ray and Sue Livick from our church getting ready to ride in the Clifton Forge July 4th parade.
Hope your power is back on and all is well with you and your family.
An old gospel song went like this "
Keep me safe till the storm passes by ... " these word rang true for us in these last few days.
Hope to see you Sunday