Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 26, 2012

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 This Sunday  At Faith . . . (AM) 

Do you ever feel . . .
  • Insignificant
  • Little
  • Unimportant
  • Insecure
We have all struggled with feelings such as these, yet we are significant to God.  Zerubbabel was tasked with a very difficult task of leading the children of Israel in the rebuilding of the Temple and restoring their society.  God sends him a very special message to help him understand the big picture.  What was God's message?  Be careful that you don't miss the forest while looking at the tree.  Join us this Sunday if you have ever struggled with any of the feelings above, we might just find some help in the story of Zerubbabel. ( Haggai 2:20-23)

  Sunday night (6 PM)

Chris will be bringing a message entitled "WHO AM I?", do we really understand the person of Christ.  Was He just a great teacher, leader or moral example?  Or was He something more?
This was the scene in the Faith worship center as almost 100 teens meet for the final night of Teenweek.  Because of the weather Teenweek had to move inside.  We thank God for the good week with an average of over 100 teens a night, a great speaker and dedicated workers.  This is a joint effort of several local churches, many of the volunteers come from Faith.  I would just like to thank everyone who worked so hard to make Teenweek 2012 a meaningful time in the life of our teens.
In my world. . . 
  • Evan Groves was born 9-11-08 he has Junctional EB. He lives in Covington, VA. with his mother Christian Groves and he has two sisters Chyanne 9 and Hannah 5 . We will be receiving a special love offer for Evan , a young boy in our area with special medical expenses on Sunday August 12 Evan is Brenda Craft's grandson
  • School Supply Drive call Carrie McAllister 691-7065, drop off container at welcome center
  • Deacon on Deck for July: Ron Seabolt 962-4239
  • Missionary  of the week:David and Evelyn Dye (home for unwed moms in TN)
  • No Sunday night Horizon Youth in the month of July
  • Membership class in August contact office if interested
  • We had a great service at the Brian Center last Sunday, thanks to all who help out in this important ministry here at Faith
  • John Burnham is on vacation during the month of July, please contact the church office or one of the other pastors if you need assistance
  • Babies, babies, babies congratulations to the proud families
  •     Hadley Del Wolfe (granddaughter of Donnie and Janet Wolfe)
  •     Micah Luke (proud parents: Mike and Angela Isabella)
  •    Ava Grace Scott ( granddaughter of  Donald and Janice Scott)
  •    Josiah Frederick ( proud parents are Fred and Cindy Stromberg our missionaries to Honduras)

   On Saturday August 11 folks from Faith Baptist will be involved in an outreach at the West Virginia State Fair from 10 AM to 2 PM, we are looking for people to be involved through face painting and the wordless book.  If you would like to be a part of this evangelistic outreach please see Chris Chesley (960-0504) or a member of the Backyard Lights study group.

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 You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.
No small change

Here ladies from the church are counting $1,000.00 raised during Vacation Bible School.  That's a lot of change.  But it was going to a good cause mosquito nets for children in Africa.  Way to go kids!

I enjoyed a Pastor's lunch at Scott Hill today, I was invited by Alice Welsch from our church.  It was good to run into former members Norman Kimberlin and Dave Mann

Camp is underway here in Korea! On Monday night about 20 campers made a salvation related decision!  While our main focus is still on language school, it's such a blessing to still be involved with camp as Jacob will be one of the speakers at camp over the next few weeks. Jacob will be speaking to the campers about purity, scripture memory, dedication, being real, as well as sharing his testimony. He will also share a message with the camp staff.  Please pray that the kids will be challenged in these area's. Please be praying for our staff and campers the weather here is really hot and it can be very draining especially on the staff.   (We wanted to share this exciting update from our missionary Jacob Morse in Korea)


 Hope to see you Sunday

Thursday, July 19, 2012

07.20.12 Faith Connection

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 This Sunday  At Faith . . . (AM) 

It is a human tendency to drift spiritually.   The Israelites who had returned to Jerusalem had allowed themselves to drift.  God sent His prophet Haggai to warn them and help them get back on track spiritually.  What can we learn from the ancient prophet and how does it apply to my life today?  Join us this Sunday morning as we look at Haggai 2:10-19.   How much of godly living is a result of my effort and how much is a result of God's work in my life?

12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; 13for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:12-13 (NKJV) 

  Sunday night (6 PM)

Chris will be bringing a message on the names of God in the Old Testament.  In this message he will be applying the truths behind these names and what they mean to us today.

There was a very special arrivial this week.  Koltan Ryan Tolley was born Tuesday, he is the son of Kristi and Jacob Tolley.  His grandparents are Sue and Albert Harris and Bill and Lorrie Tolley.  His great grandparents are Glenn and Alice White.  Koltan was a very special blessing to his family, he was an early delivery and was scheduled for heart surgery soon after his birth.  Much to the surprise of everyone including the medical staff, his heart was fine and no surgery will be necessary.  How we thank God for this very special answer to prayer.  Koltan weighed in at 12lbs 11oz and was 23 1/4 inches long.  Mom and son are doing fine and may be home by the time you read this.
In my world. . . 
  • We will be receiving a special love offer for Evan Groves, a young boy in our area with special medical expenses on Sunday August 12 Evan is Brenda Craft's grandson
  • School Supply Drive call Carrie McAllister 691-7065, drop off container at welcome center
  • Deacon on Deck for July: Ron Seabolt 962-4239
  • Missionary  of the week:Eric and Lisa Simpson (England)
  • No Sunday night Horizon Youth in the month of July
  • John Burnham is on vacation during the month of July, please contact the church office or one of the other pastors if you need assistance

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 You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.
 the famous mud pit at Teenweek

Teenweek 2012 is now history.  We thank God for the good week He gave us, close to 100 teens gather each night for fun, food and to hear the message of Christ.  Please pray for those who made decisions this week.   Thank God for all the workers who made this week possible and for all the donations of food, drinks and money that enabled this ministry in Alleghany County.

Howard Merrell and I enjoyed doing our "Finishing Well" sermon together last Sunday night at the Covington Bible Church.  Thanks for all your kind comments.  If you would like to see the sermon it is located on the Truthcasting website.  (The link is listed above)

The last two weeks have been really hectic at Faith.  With VBS and Teenweek back to back.  How we thank God for all of our volunteers who made it all possible.  Close to 100 volunteers help make it all happen.  A special thanks goes out to all the folks from our sister church the Covington Bible Church who pitched in and helped make both of these events go so well.  And a thank you to all of our own volunteers who worked sooooooo hard to make it all happen.  There are boys and girls and teens headed to Heaven one day because of your efforts.  Thanks


 Hope to see you Sunday

Friday, July 13, 2012

Faith Connection 07.13.12

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 This Sunday  At Faith . . . (AM)

Our guest speaker is Jonathan Windle, who is the youth and sports pastor at Countryside Baptist Church in Forest Hill, West Virginia.   Jonathan works with teens on an almost daily basis and he will be with us to help us as a church kick off TeenWeek.  Jonathan grew up here in Faith and we know you will enjoy his unique ministry in the Word. He will be speaking at both morning services.

  Sunday night (6 PM)

We will be joining with the congregation of the Covington Bible Church at 2140 S. Carpenter Drive this Sunday night at 6 PM.  (TeenWeek needs our campus Sunday Night)
Pastor Howard Merrell and myself will be team preaching on the subject of "FINISHING WELL".  Howard and I have served in the Covington area for a combined total of over 70 years.  One of our great motivations in life and ministry is to finish well.  We will share from the Bible and our life experience how to finish your race well.


In addition John Ryan will provide special music on his guitar, Mike Wade will play his violin along with Kathy Merrell on the piano.
Hope you will join us for what looks to be a unique service.


JULY 15th- 19th

Don't Miss it!!!
Speaker:Glenn Kuhar

Schedule for TEENWEEK:

Sunday, July 15th: Faith Baptist Church Registration 1:30-2:30 MUD DAY 2:30-9pm  BRING CHANGE OF CLOTHES & FILLED WATER BALLOONS!!

Monday, July 16th: JRSC 6-10 pm

Tuesday: July 17th: Grace Brethren Church 6-10pm

Wednesday, July 18th: Clifton Middle School  6-10pm

Thursday, July 19th: JRSC 6-11pm

*****Hey Faith Members***** got this urgent pleas from the Teenweek staff: 
Hey Bro. Billy - can you send out a plea for Teenweek....we need cases of water and all the cookies and brownies possible :)

If you can help please place in our fellowship room, thanks

In my world. . . 
  • Men's Prayer Breakfast Saturday 7 AM
  • School Supply Drive call Carrie McAllister 691-7065, drop off container at welcome center
  • Deacon on Deck for July: Ron Seabolt 962-4239
  • Missionary  of the week:John and Donna Wyatt with Prisoners for Christ
  • No Sunday night Horizon Youth in the month of July
  • John Burnham is on vacation during the month of July, please contact the church office or one of the other pastors if you need assistance

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 You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.

Photo: VBS is happening NOW at Faith tonight 6 PM
Got this note from Chris about the 2012 VBS
Hi Bro. Billy. Here is the update for you: We averaged between 115 and 120 kids each night. Had about 50 faithful workers. Had 20 decisions made for Christ, and 6 for assurance of their faith. We raised over 1,000 dollars for mosquito nets for Kenya's children.  There were 250 people present for the closing assembly Thursday night.

How I praise God for his blessing on VBS 2012, don't forget to pray for TEENWEEK beginning Sunday

There is a little rock garden behind the Price home to remind me of God's faithfulness thanks to my wife Elaine.  On Tuesday July 17 I will celebrate a very special anniversary, 12 years in remission from Leukemia.

Josh and Abbey Martin were baptized last Sunday.  Josh grabbed his nose just before going under :)  How we thank God for His blessings, we have baptized over 12 people in the last month.  This has truly been a great week at Faith, can't wait to let you know what happens next week as God continues to move.

Kavin Dressler was recently baptized, joining the Faith Baptist  Church family, Kavin is a photographer at our local newspaper.  Welcome Kavin it is good to have you as a part of our church family.


 Hope to see you Sunday

Thursday, July 5, 2012

07.06.12 Faith Connection

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 This Sunday  At Faith . . . (AM)

Our guest speaker is Brian Stutler Children's pastor at Johnson's Chapel in Princeton West Virginia.   Brian is here to help us kick off our VBS week (see below).  Brian is a good friend of Chris Chesley and has been invovled in ministry to children for many years.  He spoke last year at a teacher's event here at Faith and I think you will enjoy his ministry in the Word.  He will be speaking at both morning services.

  Sunday night (6 PM)

At Sky VBS, kids imagine what it would be like to bounce among the clouds, soar with eagles, and reach for the stars. The Bible comes to life in new and powerful ways as kids explore why nothing is impossible with God. Through every experience, kids find that they can trust God. Start soaring now--register to be a part of this Sky VBS!



Dates: July 08, 2012 - July 12, 2012
Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pmLocation: 311 Jackson Dr, Covington, VA, 24426 Map It
Registration Deadline: July 08, 2012
Contact Information: 5409626335

 VBS 2012 kicks off Sunday night We challenge everyone that is not already working in VBS to “Observe or Serve” that night. We will be designating our evening service to this purpose. So, mark your calendars for July 8th and come out at 6pm, ready to observe or to serve where needed. Thanks!

Please note that our Wednesday night service is being moved to Thursday night so we can participate in the SKY vacation bible school closing service.  Please note we will  be meeting at 8 PM for this service.  I will be telling a story for children of all ages and you will see and hear of the impact of our vacation bible school.  This service is usually packed so come early for a seat.

In my world. . . 
  • Mazi Grace came into the world weighing in at 4lbs. 2 oz. she was 9 weeks premature but praise the Lord is healthy please pray for her and her parents Tim and Brittany Elmore
  • TeenWeek is fast approaching check Welcome Center for sign up sheets to bring food items and supplies (see below)
  • Deacon on Deck for July: Ron Seabolt 962-4239
  • Missionary  of the week:Romeo and Kaye Capuli (Southeast Asia Directorship with Advancing Native Missions)
  • TeenWeek kick-off July 15th 9:00 & 10:30 AM   Speaker, Jonathan Windle
  • Please pray for Kristi Tolley (Harris) some complications have developed with her pregnancy
  • Baptism this Sunday please call church office if interested
  • Frank Sizemore is being ordained at our church in August
  • No Sunday night Horizon Youth in the month of July
  • John Burnham is on vacation during the month of July, please contact the church office or one of the other pastors if you need assistance
  • I am so thankful for the way our community pulled together in the recent storm  

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Is there something you would like to comment about in this update?  Need to let the rest of us know something?  leave comment on Facebook at the link for this update

 You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.

  TEENWEEK 2012   

JULY 15th- 19th

Don't Miss it!!!
Speaker:Glenn Kuhar

Schedule for TEENWEEK:

Sunday, July 15th: Faith Baptist Church Registration 1:30-2:30 MUD DAY 2:30-9pm  BRING CHANGE OF CLOTHES & FILLED WATER BALLOONS!!

Monday, July 16th: JRSC 6-10 pm

Tuesday: July 17th: Grace Brethren Church 6-10pm

Wednesday, July 18th: Clifton Middle School  6-10pm

Thursday, July 19th: JRSC 6-11pm

This is the view from Howard Merrell's boat at Lake Moomaw Friday evening.

This was the view minutes later when the storm of 2012 hit.  I have never seen a storm move in that fast.  We were barely able to get the boat to shore and had to walk it onto the trailer.  In the process I fell in the lake. :)  In the mean time Kathy Merrell and Elaine were holding on for dear life on the floating dock at Cole's Point.  We got home at 3 AM that morning after waiting for hours for a crew to come and cut trees out of the way.  Needless to say we will never forget the storm of 2012.

This was the morning after at the church, our vbs sign didn't weather the storm very well.

This was the lone tree damaged on our property, we thank God for the minimal damage the church recieved from the storm.

In spite of storms, gas shortages and no ice the American spirit lives on. Here is Ray and Sue Livick from our church getting ready to ride in the Clifton Forge July 4th parade.

Hope your power is back on and all is well with you and your family.

An old gospel song went like this "Keep me safe till the storm passes by ... "  these word rang true for us in these last few days.


 Hope to see you Sunday