Wednesday, March 28, 2012


 This Sunday  At Faith . . .

   The Adult Choir will present a Musical in the 9 AM and the 10:30 AM service.  Music is a great way to prepare our hearts for this special time of the year.  Hope you will join us for this special time of worship and focus on Christ.

 But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14 (NKJV)
Sunday night (6 PM)

  How fitting to gather at the Lord's Table on Palm Sunday

 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 (NKJV) 
Easter is just a month away, the one Sunday of the year that gives us the greatest opportunity to reach out to the unchurched, pray, invite, park in the gravel, bring just one car let's make this Easter the best on record
In my world. . . 
  • Met last night with Building Team heard early proposals for our master plan for the land across the street
  • Pray for Larry and Betty Fix in the loss of his mom, also continue praying for Katrina Bradberry in the loss of her father
  • The teens went to Hanging Rocks Sunday it was wet, foggy, muddy and they loved it :)  (thank God for teen workers!)
  • Deacon on Deck for April:Ron Seabolt (962-4239)
  • Missionary  of the week: Jacob and Crystal Morse
  • Follow us on Facebook
  • Is there something you would like to comment about in this update?  Need to let the rest of us know something?  leave comment on Facebook at the link for this update
  • New Sermon series beginning April 15

 You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
 You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.
   Remember last Easter when we lost all of our power and had to meet on the lawn, it was still a great day.  What will this Easter be like?

  Kylan is ready for church, how about you?

 Hope to see you Sunday

Friday, March 23, 2012

Faith Connection 03.23.12


 This Sunday  At Faith . . .

    We will continue in our current sermon series this Sunday morning.  In this series we are looking at five major purposes for our lives.  

  • We were planned for God’s pleasure, so your first purpose is to offer real worship.
  • We were formed for God’s family, so your second purpose is to enjoy real fellowship.
  • We were created to become like Christ, so your third purpose is to learn real discipleship.
  • We were shaped for serving God, so your fourth purpose is to practice real ministry.
  • We were made for a mission, so your fifth purpose is to live out real evangelism.

  • This Sunday Chris will help us look at the fifth purpose which is to live out real evangelism
    Sunday night (6 PM)

     I will be looking in Isaiah 5, Isaiah uses the image of a vineyard to describe what happens when a nation turns away from God.  Instead of producing the fruit that God intended, a nation can begin to produce fruit that displeases God and can eventually destroy that nation.   The nation Judah was eventually carried into captivity, but the prophet tried to warn them in passages just like this, can our country avoid the fate of Judah?

    What more could have been done to My vineyard That I have not done in it? Why then, when I expected [it] to bring forth [good] grapes, Did it bring forth wild grapes?  Isa. 5:4
    Easter is just two weeks away, the one Sunday of the year that gives us the greatest opportunity to reach out to the unchurched, pray, invite, park in the gravel, bring just one car let's make this Easter the best on record
    In my world. . . 
    • Easter Musical Sunday April 1 in both morning services    
    • Deacon on Deck for March:Mike Wade (962-4732)
    • So far this year we have given $18,290.00 to missions
    • Please pray for Katrina Bradberry and family in the death of her father
    • Please pray for Sis. Staria who had to fly to Washington to be with her daughter because of a medical emergency 
    • Missionary  of the week: Alan & Elena Sutphen (Uganda)
    • Follow us on Facebook
    • Is there something you would like to comment about in this update?  Need to let the rest of us know something?  leave comment on Facebook at the link for this update
    • New Sermon series beginning April 15

     You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
    just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

    You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
     You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.

    The above photos were taken at a recent Sunday night service featuring the school for the deaf in Mexico, many of our folks have been there to minister.  Efrain, the director, his wife and one of the students were our special guests.  Pray for this vital work in Mexico as the drug violence is making it extremely dangerous to work there.

     Hope to see you Sunday

    Friday, March 16, 2012

    03.16.12 Faith Connection

     This Sunday  At Faith . . .

        We will continue in our current sermon series this Sunday morning.  In this series we are looking at five major purposes for our lives.  

  • We were planned for God’s pleasure, so your first purpose is to offer real worship.
  • We were formed for God’s family, so your second purpose is to enjoy real fellowship.
  • We were created to become like Christ, so your third purpose is to learn real discipleship.
  • We were shaped for serving God, so your fourth purpose is to practice real ministry.
  • We were made for a mission, so your fifth purpose is to live out real evangelism.

  • This Sunday Chris will help us look at the fourth purpose which is to practice real ministry.

    Service starts in your mind.
    To be a servant requires a mental shift, a change in your attitudes. God is always more interested in why we do something than in what we do. Attitudes count more than achievements-Rick Warren
    Real servants don't try to use
    God for their purposes. They let
    God use them for his purposes.

    Sunday night (6 PM)
      Hope in the Dark Night
    Sunday night I will be looking at Isaiah 4:2-6, this is one of Isaiah's comfort passages.  Isaiah is known for his passages on justice and the judgment of God.  But throughout the book he inserts brilliant rays of light that are designed to give hope to God's people.  Are you going through a dark night maybe you could use a little hope?

     For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor, a lifetime. Weeping may spend the night, but there is joy in the morning. 
    Psalm 30:5 (HCSB) 
    Lessons from my office . . .

    Above you can you can see the finished project.  A team of volunteers took two rooms and made them into one office/classroom.  This all happened within a matter of weeks.  I love my new office and we have a nice Sunday School room to use.  As they say in the business world it was a win/win situation.  This whole event taught me some important principles, I would like to share with you.
    1. When people catch a vision for something you don't have to prod them to action.
    2. When people have the same vision they work smoothly together
    3. True vision attracts others to become invovled
    4. There is no limit to what can be accomplished when a group of people become energized around the same vision
    I would just like to thank everyone for the work, sacrifice, vision and team spirit in accomplishing this goal for God's kingdom.
    In my world. . . 
    • Easter Musical Sunday April 1 in both morning services    
    • Easter is just three weeks away

      On Sunday April the 8th we have a real opportunity to make a difference.  This is Easter Sunday, the one Sunday a year that people are most likely to visit church.   People could come to faith in Christ, they could begin a relationship with our church family and they could begin again in a life of faith that has grown cold.  What can you do?   Please pray that God will move that day, only He can change the hearts   of people.  Invite your neighbors, friends, family and co-workers, they may just be waiting for an invitation to church on Easter sunday.  Attend one service and volunteer in the other, we need extra nursery workers, ushers, greeters (wouldn't be great to have some folks out on the parking lot welcoming people as they arrive on Easter) and maybe someone could help park cars that day?  Could you carpool Easter Sunday to provide more space for our guests to park?  Would you consider parking in the  gravel lot in the back or across the street on our land just for Easter?   God has set before us this door of opportunity, lets walk through it and reach as many people as possible on Easter Sunday 2012.

    • Deacon on Deck for March:Mike Wade (962-4732)
    • Missionary  of the week: Tim and Jessica Robertson Battambang, Cambodia
    • Follow us on Facebook
    • Is there something you would like to comment about in this update?  Need to let the rest of us know something?  leave comment on Facebook at the link for this update
    • Praise the Lord for our missionaries, we got a note from the Word of Life camp ministry, 101 Korean students came to faith in Christ (see below)

    • We are scheduling a baptism service please contact the church office if interested
    • 50+ is planning a very special trip call John Burnham for info

     You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
    just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

    You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
     You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.
        Some local pastors gathered this week at Faith for an online pastor's conference.  The guy in the green shirt is Howard Merrell from the Covington Bible Church and he spend part of his birthday at the conference, Happy Birthday Howard.

      Guess who turns 60 this week.  My wife made me put this in here.  :)

        Here is a photo of a large mouth bass caught at Douthat State Park recently, it was 11+ pounds!  Thought I would spread a little spring fever and fishing fever.  :)

       I though I would close this connection on a youthful note,  Kadence Bradberry really enjoyed the recent Mission Team event at church, she even brought a guest.

     Hope to see you Sunday

    Thursday, March 8, 2012

    Faith Connection 03.08.12


     This Sunday  At Faith . . .

        We will continue in our current sermon series this Sunday morning.  In this series we are looking at five major purposes for our lives.  

  • We were planned for God’s pleasure, so your first purpose is to offer real worship.
  • We were formed for God’s family, so your second purpose is to enjoy real fellowship.
  • We were created to become like Christ, so your third purpose is to learn real discipleship.
  • We were shaped for serving God, so your fourth purpose is to practice real ministry.
  • We were made for a mission, so your fifth purpose is to live out real evangelism.

  • This Sunday we are looking at the third purpose which is to learn real discipleship.  We were created to become like Christ.
      "Real Discipleship"
     Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him. See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all he has done. Colossians 2:7 (TLB) 

    "From the very beginning, God's plan has been to make you like his Son, Jesus.  This is your destiny and the third purpose of your life."--Rick Warren

    Sunday night (6 PM)

    Communion: When God's Family Celebrates

    23 After all, I passed on to you what I had received from the Lord. On the night he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread 24 and spoke a prayer of thanksgiving. He broke the bread and said, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this to remember me.”25 When supper was over, he did the same with the cup. He said, “This cup is the new promise made with my blood. Every time you drink from it, do it to remember me.” 26Every time you eat this bread and drink from this cup, you tell about the Lord's death until he comes. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 (GW) 

    This Saturday morning 7 AM in the fellowship room, McAllister Addition
    In my world. . . 
    • Easter Musical Sunday April 1 in both morning services    
    • Easter is just a month away, the one Sunday of the year that gives us the greatest opportunity to reach out to the unchurched, pray, invite, park in the gravel, bring just one car let's make this Easter the best on record

    • Deacon on Deck for March:Mike Wade (962-4732)
    • Missionary  of the week: FBC Mission Team
    • Follow us on Facebook
    • Is there something you would like to comment about in this update?  Need to let the rest of us know something?  leave comment on Facebook at the link for this update
    • Praise the Lord for our missionaries, we got a note from the Word of Life camp ministry, 101 Korean students came to faith in Christ (see below)

    • Seasoned Saints meal this Tuesday (3/13) at fellowship room in McAllister addition at noon
    • 50+ is headed to the Highland Festival this Saturday at 6 AM call John Burnham for info

     You can watch or listen to the sermons from Faith on the Internet
    just follow this link to watch a recent sermon.

    You can also watch or listen to sermons on your iphone,ipod or ipad.
     You have to download the Truthcasting app for your device.
       This is Rylie Stickle who brought a special show and tell to her Sunday School class, a lady in Lynchburg made 11 quilts in memory of her grandmother, a very special way to remember her grandmother.

       Pete and Mary Grace Groseclose stopped by the church this week, they were long time residents of Jackson Heights and members of Faith for many years.  Pete was our treasurer for many years and Mary Grace was active her at Faith.  It is always good to see former members, they now reside in Fishersville, VA

      Another surprise snow in Alleghany county, beautiful, Elaine caught Humpback Bridge in this beautiful shot

     Hope to see you Sunday